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I was now driving on the way to work, it was alteady 7 am so i have thirty minutes left before Mr. Jeon will be there.

I already park my car only to meet a boy with cool ecpression and some body guards and maybe a secretary beside him with clipboard on her hand. He look at my way with his cool face. He look away entering the building.

"Hm handsome ey" i though. I quickly shook my head and head towards the entrance i walk towards the lobby, and someone called me, it was the receptionist i don't know her name yet.

She came closely to me and hand me a clipboard " This is Mr. Jeon's schedules and updates" she said smiling towards me, i accept the clipboard with smile on my face, she was about to leave when i remember that i will ask her name. "Excuse me" i said kindly she turn around "yes?" "What's your name by the way, i didn't catch your name" "Oh, Soo Minju" she said smiling beautifully "well hi Ms. Minju I'm-" before i could finish my word she finished it "Dan-oh, Ms. Eun Dan-oh" she said "ah yes" i bow towards her "well i have to go now Ms. Eun, maybe Mr. Jeon will be here in a minutes" she said looking at her watch, "ah yes, i get going now Ms. Soo" i bow before leaving with clipboard on my hand.

I walk out towards the lobby, i only greet by Mr. Jeon guards that also waiying for him to arrive, checking my wrist watch in 2 seconds i look up again a car pulled up in front of us and all guards except me bowed towards the car which is Mr. Jeon's car. One of his guards open his car door for him. I nod his head and walk towards the main door getting inside the building. I walk fast to catch up with him "good morning Mr. Jeon" "morning" he greet without expression " so what's my schedule today?" I tell him his schedule while still walking towards the elevator.

He nod his head after i tell him about his schedule. His guard pressed up buttons, we wait until it sound he walk in first then me trailing behind him together with his guards. I pressed the 17 number where his office belong to.

The door dings which means we arrived at 17th floor, he walk out first still us following behind him, when we got closer to his office i noticed that there's four guys are arranging something outside his office, i got confuse what are they doing. My though was cut off my suddenly Mr. Jeon's deep voice.

"This gonna be your desk from now on" he said "and this is Alice will help you how to cooperate with that." " Oh okay Mr. Jeon" i bow towards him, he only nod his head "I'll call you when i need something" he said entering his office. I turn to Ms. Alice who already smiling widely to me. I smiled back, i was about to greet her when she suddenly clap her hands makes me stuttered.

"Okay! Let's start! Because i still have many things to do." She said loudly but in cheerful one. This girl really- i sigh smiling towards her and follow her.

Fourty minutes later

We both done discussing and she leave, i thank her once again before she'll disappear on the corridors. I sat down to my chair i noticed that all my paper work are all here, organized. I start my work this will be a long day i thought and sigh.

Break time

Standing up from my office chair when Mr. Jeon walk out from his office i quickly bow, he nod continue his walk towards the elevator with two guards behind him. I gather all my paper works and organized them neatly before leaving, i was thinking maybe i will only buy a coffee. I'm not that hungry so maybe drinks will fine.

Walking out from coffee shop inside of this building when someone called my name. I turn to where the voice when i see Mr. Lee with a boy beside him. I smile and he walk towards me, when he reach in front of me i bow "oh Mr. Lee" "hey, you want to join us?" "Huh?" I ask curiously "where heading somewhere to eat wanna join us?" He ask again i look over the boy behind him, his both hands inside his pocket.

Maybe Mr. Lee noticed and he start to talk "oh by the way this is Joshua" he said introducing his friend to me "Hello i'm Eun Dan-oh" i bowed to him he gave me his angelic smile that will melts all girls heart. So handsome. "Joshua, Hong Joshua" he said taking out his hand i gladly accept it. "So you want to join us?" Mr. Lee ask again this guy is really, "i uh, i don't think s-" " let's go" it's already too late, Mr. Lee already hold my another hand, "what? wait, noo-" "yessss~" he said smiling, while Mr. Hong silently chuckling over his friend.

"I just wanted to meet my brothers tho, we always have break together but sometimes are busy and unable to join us, so i just hope that they all there." He said mentioning the large door in front of us i read the note through the door. Restricted Area, i look over to Mr. Lee he's already smiling at me i turn again and read the bigger letter SVT room . Again i look at Mr. Lee.

I was about to say that i'm going to leave because Mr. Jeon might be mad at me again. But Mr. Lee drags me inside without knocking Mr. Hong trailing behind us.

When we entered i saw ten eyes are all on me, "where here!~" Mr. Lee cheered Mr. Hong chuckled and take a sit one of the sofa. The ten eyes still didn't leave me, after a few sec they exchange look and look over ro Mr. Lee "Seokmin who is that?" One of the guys ask "Oh this is Ms. Eun" he said i bow nicely and smile sweetly towards them. After a sec someone got out from the door from the corner maybe a comfort room. He looks up to only meet my eyes.

His eyes grew wider and turn to Mr. Lee beside me.

"What the hell Seokmin?!"

Hey guys! Just updated~ sorry for some wrong grammar >.< thank you for reading!~ enjoy and stay safe♡

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