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-Dani POV-
We already arrived to our hotel more like condo, it already have small kitchen, two doors maybe a bedroom and to my right a small hallway connected to the living room. I was amazed again, i wss walking around when Mr. Jeon talked.

"Get rest, tomorrow will be a rough day" i nod my head "you too mr. Jeon, do you need anything before you rest?" I ask. "No. I'm fine. Oh and later be prepare we will have a dinner outside, okay?" I only nod my head and smile, "okay get some rest i'll be on my room" i nod my head again and "rest well mr. Jeon" i heard his door closed so i walk toward my room that beside of mr. Jeon's. I drag my suitcase inside my room and closed it gently.

I look around the room was not the big but it's nice and i smell something strawberries. I unpack all my things and get ready my outfit later on.

After preparing my outfit i got some rest and take a nap.

Time skip...

Now i was getting ready for dinner with Mr. Jeon. I was done on my little make up and now i proceed to put my outfit,

And a coat, it was cold right here you know, i look outside my window that have a sliding door towards outside my room where was a beautiful view of city

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And a coat, it was cold right here you know, i look outside my window that have a sliding door towards outside my room where was a beautiful view of city. I grab my coat walk out of my room waiting for mr. Jeon, of course i won't let him wait for me, it's embarrassing.

 Jeon, of course i won't let him wait for me, it's embarrassing

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  So this is my coat. Now i was sitting in the living exactly waiting for mr. Jeon to came out. I get my phone and opened  a bunch of message from Mr. Boo and Mr. Seokmin, i smile while reading their message they we're talking about that they should be with us when they were not in fight. I giggled and reassuring them that on next business trip they will be with us.

Someone cleared their throat, i look up only to see Mr. Jeon, he's wearing brown turtle neck and green color coat.

"Shall we go?" He ask pointing he's hands through the door "ah yes Mr

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"Shall we go?" He ask pointing he's hands through the door "ah yes Mr. Jeon" i said smiling. I grab my purse and phone then we walk down the lobby. Now where heading to the exit i can see his guards that who go with us, and a car have been waiting for us. Guess it's all settled then, Mr. Jeon was so wow like he's look like rude but he's freakin' nice, i doubt he was the strongest CEO in Korea. All by he's looks he's handsome fac-  what the actual fuck dani??! Handsome yea right.

"What did you say" i was shock when Mr. Jeon talked, "a-ah nothing Mr. Jeon just i was thinking some things" i smile awkwardly "okay then" he said looking back at his phone.

Minutes after we finally arrive to pur destination. It was fancy like all rich family can only eat. Mr. Jeon who was proceed to the entrance and ask about his reservation.

She guide us inside, we both sit and the waiter gave us the menu.

-Time skip-

We're now walking back to our room. I unlock the door because it was me who holding it. I close the door after Mr. Jeon entered.

"Uh, thanks for tonight Mr. Jeon" "no worries. And just call me Wonwoo when we're both not into works" he said sitting down through the sofa and turning on the tv. "You should take a rest now wonwoo? We have to leave early morning." I said walking through the mini kitchen to the other side. " yeah, right." He said turning off the tv " then good night Dan, sleep well okay?" He said entering his room. I almost chock when i heard, he call me Dan for the first time. Looking back where his room door. I feel my cheeks hotten suddenly. I am actually blushing? I ask myself.

I walk through my room and did my night routine. After i settled i laid on my bed and open my phone, to meet by a lot of message from Mr. Boo and Mr. Lee oh god i smile when i read every message they sent, we got pretty close tho. Until i felt my eyes getting heavier i fell asleep.

(Next Morning)
We both just done eating. And also today were going back in Korea. We're on our way to the private jet of Mr. Jeon.

Once we arrived there I talk to the butler who assigned to get out suitcase and everything. Once Mr. Jeon get in, I also got in and settled in. Well this takes 5 hours in silence.

Hey guys! It's been three months since i update this. Because of school works :( so here is it! Hope u enjoy! Don't forget to vote and if any suggestions feel free to message me of comment here! :>

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