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-Wonwoo POV-
When jeonghan hyung called seokmin and seungkwan where they are, saying  will eat outside together with my secretary. Wow just wow, i really thought she went home straight cause i have my freakin board meeting tomorrow. After we eat i separately went to my room and get some rest, as always i read some books before i sleep.

A few hours later i check my time it's already freakin' 9pm and the booseok still not showing up. I was about to sleep when i heard a loud laugh outside. That should be them i thought. Getting out from my room walking through the hallways down to stairs where the two were so loud even they just in front of each other. I lean my back through the wall and clear my throat.

"Oh, hi wonwoo!" Seokmin greet cheerfully "hi hyung!!!" Again seungkwan shout "can you lower down your voice?? The others are asleep now" i said getting down stairs "oh sorry hyung" seungkwan said giggling "you both look happy?.... together with my secretary?" I ask rising my eyebrow "yeah just having a dinner" seokmin said "yea right, but if she will late tomorrow just because of both of you, you two will done to me after. As you know i still have a board meeting" i said about to leave when seungkwan said something "actually hyung, we left her car to the building" "you what??" "Yea, we just drag her through our car" seokmin said lower down their heads. I sigh leaving them alone. Not saying anything.


-Dani POV-
Now i'm getting ready to go, i already called a cab maybe a few minutes. Getting out in our house "maam, there's someone outside waiting for you" our maid said "oh thank you that must my cab" i said bowing towards her, walking through our gate the guard opened up for me, saying thank you. Turning into the car i frown, i though it is my cab? Suddenly a boy came out from the car

"Good morning Ms. Eun" seokmin greet happily, such a sunshine guy. I smiled "what are you doing here early in the morning?" "Well you just left your car at the company, so maybe i should give you a ride" he said leaning on his car "well i already book a cab Mr. Lee" "well too late, i already make him leave" "you what???-" "yeah yeah, just get inside" open up his passenger door waiting for me to get in, i'm still looking at him in unbelievable "i know i look good- oh no i look hot" he said winking "pff" i playfully roll my eyes to him getting inside of his car. He closed it getting inside the other side. Buckling our seat belt and  went off the house. It's already 7:30 am.

A few minutes of talk with seokmin, i didn't even noticed that were already in front of company, thanking seokmin we went outside his throw his car keys to the one of the guards who waiting outside, maybe the guard will parked it for him, just a lazy person eh.

Just in time the guards bow and a car pulled up in front of us. Opening the car door Mr. Jeon went out, i bow towards him. "Good morning Mr. Jeon" "morning" he said putting his both hands on his pocket " you both seems happy?" I look at Mr. Lee then back to Mr. Jeon "oh uh just normal" he nod walking in i bow to Mr. Lee and follow Mr. Jeon.

Walking towards the elevator with clipboard on my hand, while i'm talking about his schedule he rise his right hand make me go silent, rising an eyebrow "just cancel my schedule with Mr. Yoo" he said nodding my head and contact Mr. Yoo on my phone saying cancel it and move it in another time. Smiling ending the call and proceed to my chair, and start to work.

-2 months later-

-Wonwoo POV-
It's been 2 months our company are still in ongoing just more paper works and we'll done. Ms. Eun? She's been good, she's so caring after all, all i need that she doesn't know they all have in her bag, my pills, inhaler, and others that important needs. I wonder where did she learn about all of that. My last secretary was stressful tho, i have to ask her what i need, just ugh- never mind. Now that someone replace her i got a relief.

My thoughts were cut by a knock on my door, saying a come in and continue my paper work i know it's Secretary Eun her smell is so nice, i never smell like that before tho. "This is the one that Mr. Yoon have done" she said putting the folder in front of me, looking up meeting with her sweetly smile. That smile- what the- wonwoo what are you thinking??! I thought "are you okay Mr. Jeon?? Wait i'll bring your pills" she was about to leave when i stop her "no it's okay just need a little bit fresh air, i said getting up "oh are you sure?" She ask, i only nod my head and walking out at my office going up stair through the rooftop.

Putting both of my hands inside of my pocket and walk towards the corner, i look up the view, when me and my parents build this company my father let me roam around, so i decide to go first through my office which is downstairs, after that i decide to go upstairs maybe something will be here, so i'm correct this is my first view that i noticed so i decide maybe this will my hide out only me who know this place.

-Dani POV-
It was my break time, so i decide to get some coffee i feel like exhausted, more paper works tho.

Walking through the elevator when i see Mr. Jeon walking down from stairs maybe he went to rooftop. I bow towards him "should i get you something Mr. Jeon?" "No it's okay just get back as soon, maybe seokmin will get you AGAIN and you'll be late" he said emphazising the 'AGAIN'word, with his deep voice woah this boy really it chills down my spine. "Ah yes, i will" i smile and bow to him walking just in time an elevator just got opened and Mr. Kim appeared, bowing towards him he smile like a puppy then turning to see Mr. Jeon "wonie~~" he said in cute voice, ey i ship them "ugh why are you here???" Mr. Jeon ask irretated rolling his eye, i giggled and went inside the elevator before it will closed "why?? Don't you like me here???" Mr. Kim ask still in cute voice, i smile after that the door closed i pressed the G floor, i will buy outside cause maybe Mr. Lee will see me again and drag me everywhere.


The door opened revealing Mr. Lee in front of me, what the- i was avoiding him and he just freakin' right here in front of me "hello Ms. Eun!!!" He shout happily make some people turn to us, i smile awkwardly "oh wow hi seokmin, got a high pitch there" i said awkwardly, then i noticed he's not alone he's with Mr. Kwon and Mr. Boo.

Oh god he's with this boys too, no no no. They will break my eardrums they're so loud. "Oh hi dan oh!!!!" And yep that's Mr. Boo "yah! It's Ms. Eun!!" Mr. Kwon yelled towards seungkwan with a hit back of his head "yah just tell not with a hit" he said while rubbing his head sulking. "Uhm where are you heading??" "Before that take this, this is for you that is your favorite drink, and second we'll take you to the room" "you mean svt room?" "Exactly" he click his tongue and drag me towards their room.

Getting inside while shouting that were here, all eyes again in me, i know we all lightly get along but hell just still awkward okay. Everybody cheered and let us sit and talk about life and whatsoever.

Minutes later a knock through the door and a head pop in it's Mr. Kim cute my eye widen cause i know he will be with Mr. Jeon, he will kill me he said i'll be back after, now he's here. Panicky i tried to hide behind Mr. Yoon "hey guys" it's Mr. Kim said "oh you seems have a girl in here" a deep voice can heard all the room. "Oh it's just- ackkk!!" Mr. Yoon scream in pain when i pinch his back, he look at me with teary eyes, did i pinch that much?? I thought. Saying sorry in low voice before Mr. Jeon ask again "who is it?" Before i could cover seokmin mouth "it's only Ms. Eun wonwoo".

Fuck. "Oh really? And why is she here?" I look at seokmin and i noticed that Mr. Jeon walk towards us and he fully see me i smile awkwardly crossing his hands into his chest waiting for me to answer his question. "Uh, Mr. Lee drag me again" i said awkwardly smile griping my coffee. He only hm and went to the corner which is some door there i don't still know what's inside there. I sigh in relief when he went in fully, making Mr. Yoon look at me "oh~ mian~ i didn't mean it" i said  caressing his back where i pinched him. He nod his head still in pain.

Hey! Just updated again! Aw poor jeonghanie ㅋㅋㅋㅋ sorry for my wrong grammars out there :( and thank you for reading, enjoy and see you next chapter! XD

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