Down the Trail of Shadow Trees

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Follow me

Follow me

As we slip darker still

Into the trees,

Into the deep,

Into the shadows of the world

I am asleep

I am awake

And waking dreams trouble the

Careful balance of memory

I will press on

I will ignore

The dangerous, drifting

Shifting, shifty

Thoughts swirling in mind

But when I can't

At least I can

Whisper them

Bleed them

In ink onto the page

So here rests the inky forest

Of reaching, pressing, possessing thoughts

Cruel thoughts, lost thoughts,

Hopeful droughts

So follow me

Follow me

As we slip darker still

Into the trees,

Into the deep,

Into the shadows of my mind.

Into the shadows of my mind

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God instructs His followers (through His holy Word) to spread His Good News! So, if you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then let us praise God together!

If not, then I pray that you come to recognize Him as the only way of salvation from your sins, which earn you (just like everyone else) God's wrath and just punishment in Hell. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one will go to Heaven but through repentance from their sins and believing in Him.

We have all committed crimes against Him, but Jesus, truly God and truly man, lived a perfect life. He let Himself be sacrificed in order to pay *our* sin debt. How amazing! The perfect dying for the imperfect. Three days later, He rose again, defeating death and proving that His believers will also have eternal life with Him.

If you repent (turn away from and hate) your sins and truly believe in your heart that Jesus is the promised sacrifice for your sins, then you will be saved!

If you have any questions, comment or PM me! I'd love to talk. <3

What are your thoughts?

To God be the glory!

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