Hello, World

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Hello again

Dreams of darkness

I tasted your hate today

For the first in a while.

I did not think of death

Nor pitying self

Just of cold, hard pain

I should inflict on myself

Hello again,

Memories of darkness

I tasted your hate today.

For I thought again of how

Terrible I am at speaking

How I let the things that matter

Slip through my fingers

As if avoidance fixes life

Hello again,

Self of darkness

I hated your taste today

For I remembered how awful

You are, letting friends disappear

Into the void, letting

Dreams slowly fade

Just because you don't have

The discipline to complete them

Hello again,


Sometimes I hate the way you





Because you let down those around you

And feel sorry for you

When down you let yourself

Sometimes I hate you

Hello again, public!

Isn't it nice to see the real me?

The one who snaps at herself

For being sick,

As if she can just fix it?

The one who is simultaneously

So arrogant and self-deprecating?

The one who cries at being

A terrible person

And does nothing to fix it?

Aren't you glad to know her?

Aren't you glad to know

That this girl desperate for your interaction

Is probably going to freak out

At the pressure of maintaining a friendship

And ghost? Occasionally return?

Aren't you glad?

Isn't she fun?

Hello again, public

She hopes you don't hold this rant against her

Because she's not usually this spiteful

And will probably regret giving this to you

She hopes, despite laying out her flaws

For you to see,

That you'll still see

Her. Talk to her

She hopes

But she understands if you don't

And honestly,

Part of her hopes you never see this.


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If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then let us praise God together!

If not, then I pray that you come to recognize Him as the only way of salvation from your sins, which earn you God's wrath and just punishment in Hell. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one will go to Heaven but through repentance from their sins and believing in Him.

If you have any questions, comment or PM me! I'd love to talk. <3

God bless!

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