I know you...

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Things were moving too fast...Saanjh was much suprised to listen

"it's a yes!!!" while she came back from the hotel...

"Are you serious ma???

Wedding in 2 weeks...I don't even know him...I don't want this crap " she yelled banging the dinner table to which her father gave her a stern look saying

" You said yes Saanjh...that's why we said yes...it's not a joke here and you told you will marry anyone...

what's your problem if we have got you one of the most reputed families in Bangalore...your "now hometown" where you work..live...

And Malhotra's are genuine people..they know everything about your past and are ok with it...

Infact...Vardhan is a good man...he doesn't have any issues in you continuing your job after marriage"
he said...

"What the hell...my last time marriage failed due to my ex husband and not me...

why doesn't anyone understand...and who is this effin...guy who will 'let me work'...

This career fed me for last 6 years dad unlike my ex husband who ended up to be unfaithful, fraud and what not..."

A tear dropped out of her eye finally while she was breathing fire in anger...

Janvi slowly placed her hand on her shoulder saying " Everyone knows it was Ehsaan Saanjh...not you..

Believe me...we aren't pushing you into a mess...the guy just agreed looking at you picture and completely trusts his family's choice...and the family is extremely open minded...

See beta you agree or don't..you find more people who blame the girl even when it's a boy's fault...in between all that hypocrites the Malhotra's are a fresh breath of air...

You'll be happy there Saanjh"

With her eyes filled with tears she said "But you guys didn't even meet him Mummyji..." She slightly sobbed...

" You can meet him if you want beta...There is still 2 weeks" Janvi said...

Breathing hard she said "It's ok... anyways I have no hopes in this marriage...you want to push me into this...go ahead...Fine..."

She thought to herself...."Maybe they just want to get rid of me now..."

Arora's left to their house after the heavy showdown thinking everything will get better with time.

Saanjh just locked herself in her room. She weeped the entire night till her eyes went dry...

she slowly looked out from her glass window lie on her bed thinking limitless things yet wasn't able to process anything...

On the breakfast table :
"I want to meet him!!!" Saanjh said in a firm tone

Her father said taking a sip of orange juice " You are always welcomed to...just... don't create a scene..." He said roughly...

She gave him a firm look saying "Ehsaan was your choice papa...

I agreed ...I tried...he left...I still tried...he broke..I still tried...not again papa...I'm not ready for another liability!

And I don't want to meet him to see how handsome he is or how well do we gel...

NO... coz I know in marriage IT DOESN'T Matter!!! I just want to meet him to make sure I'm not just a social cause for his mother or a trophy wife to this big shot low profile businessman!

He agreed looking at my photo...huhhh...I want to know why! And I am not the one who creates a scene papa..if I had to...I could have done it yesterday...

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