Let the bloody game begin!!

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Saanjh saw Aarya left at night but he did not come back!

Also Navika who left didn't come back entire night!

Time ticked from 12 to 1...





Now Saanjh started worrying!!!

Entire night where did they go!!

Just they both??? Now that question was haunting her!!!

Soon she saw sunlight peeping into her room!!! Her eyes were heavy!!! She didn't sleep the entire night!!!

'The hell where are you Aarya!!!'

Loosing her mind she stepped out of her room...

To see a scene that literally made her collapse!!!

Aarya was walking out of the opposite cottage with Navika in his arms 😲🥺

Saanjh felt like she could faint any minute!!

'They are giggling, smiling??? Hugging each other???'

Saanjh was shocked!!!

And when she saw Aarya was buttoning his shirt while coming towards while Navika was hanging to his armrest she felt everything drifting apart...

She looked at Aarya with a blank expression 🥺

While Aarya pulled Navika a bit closer by her waist and said to Saanjh...

Next minute she saw Aarya bring his luggage out and she froze...

'Saanjh I am shifting to the opposite cottage!!
.with Navika!!! '

He said while next second fresh tears filled in her eyes...

She was SHOCKED 😳

Next minute Navika looked at her and said...

'Di please yaar... Now don't behave like you don't know anything!!!

Stop this crying shit now!!! Please yaar!!! See it's simple!!!
He liked you!!

But he loves me!!!

Right baby???' she said and in return all Aarya did was smirk 😈

Saanjh looked into Aarya's eyes and asked. .

'So.... everything last night was a lie??? You repeated the same shit that you did 7 yrs back again to me??? Do you have any shame??? Last night for one brief second I thought...

May be...

Maybe I was wrong!!! Huhhh!!!

But thanks for proving me wrong!!! You are a street dog!!!

Mu marna adat hi nahi fitrat he tumhari!!!
(Nibbling at leftover is not just your habit it's also your nature now!!!)

Huhhh!!! Thank god I'm saved!!!

I'm going to back to Bangalore right now!!!' ..
.saying she started packing her bags!!!

'Oh you can't Saanjh!! Not atleast for another week!!!'

She looked at Aarya and fuming she took a step towards him and asked...

'O really??? Who will stop me huhhh???'

To which he said...

'You!!! Yourself will stop!!!

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