Old Dirty linen!!!

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Saanjh's POV:

Did I hear it right 😳🥺

I can never go wrong with that voice...

It again and again recursively played in my ears 🥺

While my tears kept pouring non stop while I was still lying down!

His eyes were also filled with tears and rage!

We both stopped at once when we realized who had called me...

I quickly tried to get up and he also realizing the situation quickly went to washroom...

I didn't want to talk on the phone!

I didn't want to hear her voice!

I avoided her completely for 7 years!

I didn't even go to her marriage!

She was one person whom I didn't want to meet!

She was my youngest cousin then but today she is the most painful memory of my past!

But she was still calling my name...

'Di....di please listen to me once... Talk to me...I need your help Di... please Di'

I got up at once...

Pulled my top down that was lifted up in the act...

Picked up the phone gathering my broken confidence and with a lot of difficulty said...


'Di can you please open the door of your room !!! ' she said

And I froze 🥺

She is here????


'Di please open...I need you' she was crying...

I closed my eyes tightly gulping in the pain of past and opened doors to that storm which had at once ruined my life!


She was standing just infront of me outside our suite..

She turned around...

I am seeing her after 7 long years...

Nothing much changed about her...she was wearing a red lehenga choli

She turned around....

A meek voice came out of my throat...

Navika??? You in India?

She looked broke...

Like she was in a trans state...

Next second she hugged me tightly...

I was shocked

'I came back Di... I can't live with him...help me get a divorce please...he will kill me someday'

She broke down


Although I didn't want to console her or talk to her...her condition looked pathetic...

'When did you come back from U.S??? Where is your husband...why are you panting?'

She was shivering...

She was wearing a red torn Lehenga.. I covered her with warm clothes and made her drink some water...

'Relax first! Tell me how you reached here!'

I asked her

'My husband is a psycho Di...he tried to get me to India on the name Goa trip for our anniversary and made me dress up like a bride a month ago...I was excited as I got to know you are getting married here... I waited for him in our room all decked up as a bride but he sent one of his business partners saying I must please them... I tried to protest but he kept me captive in one of remote areas. I threatened to kill myself if anyone came nearby thankfully my honour was saved... Although his business partners would come to touch me inappropriately but I somehow survived.

It's Only one day when I heard him talk to Sayaali aunty about Sona's engagement I had hope...

I somehow escaped and reached here...

'Please save me Di' she cried in my arms...

Although I hated her...

Her painful story brought tears in my eyes... I faced something similar while married to Ehsaan. I could relate.

'Did you eat anything? ' I asked...

She nodded a no...
I was dialling the phone to reception when I heard the bathroom door open...

"Saanjh I think we must ta'

Before he could complete the statement...he stood there like he saw a ghost!

Probably ghost from his past 😢

His eyes filled with tears while he shot me one fiery glare.

She was also shocked seeing Aarya...


She and Aarya had a past!

She looked at me and asked...


While he cleared his throat confidently and announced.

Mr AaryaVardhan Malhotra!

Husband of Saanjh AaryaVardhan Malhotra!'

I was SHOCKED but she almost froze to death 😳

She looked at me and then him.

'You really married him after knowing everything like really Do?:
She asked...

'Yes lawfully! Do you have a problem?'...

While both looked shocked and broke!

I couldn't stand the awkwardness in that room anymore!

It suffocated me!

I left the room...

While Aarya held my hand...

'Where the heck are you going?

This is our bedroom!

If someone must leave it's the third person between husband and wife!'

And he shot a glare to Navika!

Navika slowly started walking towards door.

'You are not anyone here Navika!

You are the one! Deserving One!

Let me go from here'

I said she's stormed out of the room!

They say na...

Storm can hit you anytime!

This pain was unbearable!

I walked towards the beach shore where waves were loudly gushing 😢

While I drifted to recall what happened 7 years back...

Next chapter Flashback begins...

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