Smitten💋 Besotted 😍Whipped 🤩😚

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Saanjh's POV:

I finally reached Bangalore...I didn't want to stand there explaining that idiot of a man who still needed me to explain how much I loved him...

Yes we had misunderstandings...I will maybe forever regret to have considered him a cheat... that guilt was on some other level altogether!!! I can't explain how Much I regret loosing our precious years but now by god's grace everything is sorted and this man brings Ehsaan.

Like seriously 😏

Ehsaan was acting all so innocent...
However how could I forget although he didn't have a girl friend and all that was a lie how can I forget how ne treated me... His taunts about my ex-boyfriend, his attitude Trying to show me off like I'm his property and not his wife and that day when he left me to be a piece of meat to that business partner of his!!!
I can't forget those moments! That man is banned in my life!

And anyways I love Aarya!!!

Although he's an idiot who thinks I still am interested in Ehsaan. Ehsaan was always a friend... infact WAS a friend!!!

I didn't want to see Aarya's stupid face ...I decided to go back to a rented apartment. But again quite obviously I won't get an apartment for rent in mere few I booked a room for myself in a hotel...but I had to go to Malhotra Mansion to get my clothes and stuff...

So I decided to first go to Malhotra Mansion.

The minute I went Maria aunty welcomed me and I went to Aarya's floor to get my things...I started packing my clothes when I suddenly felt the lights dim...I was alerted 😳

Next second I felt a hand encircled me...

'Hi baby'

Shit 😳 he is here already...

I pushed him aside..

'Missed me??" He asked

I didn't reply and swatted his hands away...

I felt nuzzling of nose at my collar bone...
'Looks like someone is veryyyy angry!!".

I still didn't utter a word...

Slowly I felt a kiss on my shoulder..

I pushed him away...

'Stay away from me... You wanted me to go to Ehsaan right.... now why are you coming closer to me... Let me go'...

Saying I picked my suitcase in which I had dumped all my clothes and stuff and started taking heavy steps towards the lift while I heard him...

'Where are you going leaving your house huhh???'

I turned around and said...
'Grammer mistake ex-husband your house!!!' I said stressing on 'your'!!!

I was huffing in anger!!!

Aarya's POV:

Oh god this lady and her anger!!!

She turns completely pinkish white when she's angry!!! Milky white her shade and pink her shade when she huffs in anger!!!

Makes me want to crush her into my hard chest...

But I must talk to her ...

She was giving me a grammer lesson now 😂

God this woman! I so love her!!!

'Grammer mistake ex-husband your house!!!' I said stressing on 'your'!!!'

'Correction!!! I have written away all my property on your name remember sweetheart ❤️' I smiled pushing her lightly towards the wall near the lift...

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