Chapter 2

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(Photo above is mine)
Izuku Midoriya
Age: 14
Height: 166 cm
Quirk: None
Status: Dead
Abilities: He's able to move things around by either going into them or touching them. He can also go through walls and other things. Only certain animals can actually see him, but is invisible to the human eye. I can also control people, but only if they have a weak enough mind. He may also communicate to other living being if he possesses something with a mouth (i.e. an animal or another human). He enjoys entertaining himself by scaring others, and has gottem his name, Deku, by rumors of him haunting U.A. at midnight.

August 20

Izuku's P.O.V.

In the short months I've been dead, I've created quite a name for myself, "Deku, the midnight ghost of U.A.". This isn't exactly how I thought I'd get into U.A., but nonetheless it's U.A. i admit it is fun to scare the students, and even some teachers with my shenanigans. I don't mean harm, but what can you do as a ghost besides scare others? Of course I do prefer midnight, due to people being the most aware of that time period, but I tend to do a lot, no matter the time. I see everything, from students training to teachers in the lounge, even some teaching. My favorite to scare is Hizashi Yamada, or better known as Present Mic. The way he screams at the littlest of things puts me in a laughing fit. I little trip here, and little floating there. Anything that makes him break windows with his voice gets a win in my book.

Of course, I was excited to scare the new students coming to U.A. It's time they knew the hell they'd get into. I watched from one of the trees as I watched the new students walk in. Sone were more excited than others. Then I saw him. Katsuki Bakugo. He was with a female new student. She had two toned pink and purple hair. They were put away in two big ponytails. They were talking, her having the biggest smile on her face as she and Katsuki walked in. There was also a boy with two toned hair. His left side was red whilst the other was right. On the red side, he had a huge red scar. It almost reminded me of... well me. I still remember that scar Katsuki gave me. It didn't go away, unlike the stab wound mark. Shortly behind him was a giant. He looked to be 5'8. He was big for a 15-16 year old. As everyone walked in, I jumped down from the tree and followed them. They all seemed to be in class 1-A.

I went through, literally, the door to look upon the chaos that was the class. Katsuki had his feet up on the desk as some robotic person went and told his to take his feet off the desk. The blue haired bky bored me. I believe that in Tenya Iida, Tensei's younger brother. I looked at the two toned hair girl. She looked ready to pull Katsuki off of Iida if Katsuki decided to pounce. The giant boy looked pissed, wishing he wasn't even here. The peppermint boy had no expression. He just sat there quietly. There were also others. A red head with sharp teeth, a yellow haired boy with a lightning bolt, a pink haired and skinned girl, a girl with purple hair and earphones dangling off her ears. There were many others, too. Soon, Aizawa, or... Aizawa in his sleeping bag appeared. He ended up starting the class as one-by-one they looked at the giant caterpillar on the floor. Soon, he emerged from his cacoon thatcwas his sleeping bag.

"It took you 13 seconds to quiet down," he spoke in his monotone voice. "That won't do at all."

Everyone quickly got seated before he could do anything that they might regret. As they got settled down, Aizawa spoke again.

"Hello, I am your home room teacher, Aizawa. Introduce yourselves however you'd like, just don't both me."

And with that, he fell asleep and everyone began introducing their quirks and names and stuff. Of course, Iida wanted to do things formally.

"Everyone! We should go in an orderly fasion! Everyone-"

"I'LL go first." the purple haired girl spoke. "Hi, I'm Mellow. My quirk is Atomic Surge! I can make a deadly laser that can burn anyone to a crisp! My quirk also allows me to make atforms to step on! I've always wanted to become a hero, and I train night and day to get better!"

(Mello was made by my friend, Mi'chael. Credits to her!)

Mellow reminds me of my younger self. I was always determined to get good, even without a quirk. She seems like the bubbly type.

"I'll go next, I guess..." The giant boy I saw this morning. "Uh hi... I'm Yozen. My quirk is Stamina Summoning and Fritz. My first quirk allows me to summon anything I like using stamina. I sometimes train a lot to raise up stamina.  I can fall into a death like sleep for a few hours. My next quirk makes me super strong the more mad I get. It's pretty deadly, so don't piss me off. I came here from reform school for a hero program that they're doing. Yata yata, hope we can be friends, blah blah whatever. Just don't bother me."

(Character made by my bestie/brother, Omarion)

Oh, I like him. He reminds me of Katsuki, but more calm. Soon everyone went. I think my top 5 favorites were Kirishima and his Hardening quirk, Uraraka and her Zero Gravity, Yozen and both of his quirks, Mina and her acid quirk, and finally Asui and her Frog. After that, I decided to finally make myself known to them. I walked over to a book and picked it up, making it look as though it could fly.

"Uh... Anyone happen to have a hidden telekinesis quirk?" Mellow asked. Everyone looked confused and then look towards my direction. Then the gloriously funny sounds of 21 students screaming fills my ears. The one purple guy, Mineta I believe, screamed like a girl. I dropped the book and started laughing like crazy on the floor. They couldn't here it, though, unless I wanted them to. But where's the fun in that? Aizawa woke up, and demanded they calm down. This made me laugh harder, because their faces all had a look of fear as they quieted down.

"*Sigh*... I forgot to mention that there's an alleged... ghost? Around the school. They might come out or something, but mostly at midnight. So don't panic... They normally don't hurt anyone."

"N- NORMALLY?!" The pikachu boy named Kaminari asked.

"Eh, they did interfere with someone's training at one point, caused them to go to the hispital."

"And you're okay with this?!" Hagakure spoke.

"As long as it doesn't mess with me, I don't care what happens..."

"That's not very teacher like..." Sero piped in.

And that was the start to something beautiful. The start to the ghost of class 1-A.

The Ghost of U.A. (Ghost Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now