Chapter 13

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Pup's P.O.V.

I walked outside, the wind blowing against my short hair. I couldn't shake off the feeling of this feeling within my body. When they put that stuff into me, my bones felt like they were breaking with each movement I made. Even when I tuen into my wolf form, everything just hurts, as if my body was changing. My brain and head hurt all the time, especially after I start saying all that smart stuff. It's like I'm not even in control of myself and that's scary... But this is what is pushing me to become a hero!

"Hey Cupcake, you okay?" I turn to see Zuzu next to me. "Y-Yeah... Just... thinking..."  "About?"  "I don't know... I feel myself changing a-and my head hurts a lot and I feel so tired all the time... I'm scared, Zuzu... I really am..." "Don't worry, buddy. We'll find out what's wrong with you. Me and you, a team, yeah?"  "Zuzu?"  "Hm?"  "C-Could you... Could you train me, please?!"  "W-What?"  "I want to be stronger! I want to be a hero! And I can't do anything when I'm so weak! You're much more stronger than me a- and... I want you to teach me how to be strong like you and Baku... and Todo... and... and everyone else in class 1-A!"  "Pup... Of course, but... just know that this won't be easy for you, okay?"  "Mm! I understand!"  "Great! Now then... 50 PUSH UPS!"  "Wait wha-"  "You heard me. You wanna be a hero? You start immediately. Now, do as I say, student!"  "Y-Yes sir!"

3rd person P.o.v.

"Uggghhhh... So... tired..." A very worn out Pup complained, lying on the groud. "You have so much energy all the time, why are you so tired? It's only been 4 hours..."  "*Huff* *Puff* O-Only?!"  "Come on, it's almost 11. You need to shower and go to bed."  "'Kay, Zuzu."

The next day, everyone woke up and was awaoken to breakfast ready. "Wow! Who cooked?" Uraraka asked. "I did." They all saw Izuku washing cooking utensils in the kitchen. "Wow, you made all of this? Aren't you tired?"  "I'm tired all the time. But ghosts don't sleep so I have all the time in the universe."  "A little unsettling, but nonetheless, this is great!"  "You guys just enjoy all you want!"

After everyone settled in, they began eating. "Damn, Deku. For a ghost, you can cook alright."  "Gee thanks, Kacchan..." He said in a mildly sarcastic tone. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Denki asked. Several people face palmed at his stupidity. "N-No... I have no organs, nor a working body. If I ate food it would either pass through me or be visable through my body because I'm translucent."  "Oh..." You could see Kaminari snealing his phone and typing 'how to kill food so ghosts can eat it'.

After cleaning up breakfast, everyone got ready for school. "Wooow!! You look so cute, Pup!" Mellow said, squeezing the little pupper. "T-Thanks, Lolo!" I turn to see Zuzu in his uniform. "Wow! That looks so cool!"  "I never thought that this is what the afterlife would bring for me... Also, I hate these clothes a lot."  "Well, I think it makes you look all grown up!"  "Of course you do..." He smiles and sighs as he walks to class with them. "You nervous, Zuzu?"  "A little. You?"  "Kinda? I've never had classes before, let alone actually learn from it. Are you gonna be okay with not having a quirk?"  "Yeah. I don't run out of stamina, and I can't be hurt, even when touched. I can also control objects and people like all ghosts. So I guess I've earned 3 quirks?"  "Huh... Oh, we're here!"

Izuku opened the door for the shorty. They walk in, and sit at two new desks that were placed for them. "Ahh!! Zuzu we have desks too!"  "You are way too excited, Pup. Come on before class starts."  "Mhm! 'Kay!"

After everyone settles down, Aizawa sleepily walks in. "Everyone get your hero uniform on."  "H-Hero... uniform?" Pup asks, turning to Izuku. "I- I don't know... I never watched them in their hero outfits, nor know what the hell we need hero outfits for." Aizawa sighs and asks for them to stay behind as the others went to go change.

"Alright, problem children. Your hero uniforms were premade, and are in this box." He sets a box down infront of him. "You'll both be separated into boys and girls locker rooms. You'll have a locker to keep your hero outfits. You'll change into these every day at school. Toshinori and I are training you, got it?"  "Yes sir!" They both nodded. They grabbed their uniforms and left to go change. "Oh, Pup! You get your hero outfit?"  "Uh... Y-Yeah..." Pup has never really seen anyone else undress themselves, so she started blushing a little and staring down at her flat chest. Mellow understood and smiled. "Don't be shy, Pup. We're all girls here!"  "A-Ah! N-No it's n-not that... i- it-"  "Ah, gay panic. Happened to Yozen when he saw most of the guys' abs. You're not the only one, heh!"  "Mm..."

(Everyone's including Izuku's are the same.)

Pup's hero outfit was pretty simple. It is a two peice outfit. A light blue croptop with a translucent purple cover over it, along with a translucent purple skirt and light blue shorts. The different colored partvof her hair was put into a small ponytail. She also didn't wear shoes so they did bother her if transforming was necessary. There was also a star on her crop top

Mellow's was a one peice. It had a heart it the middle of her chest, her hero costume cutting off on her sides and the bottom of her chest. The legs were cut off at the thighs.

Yozen's costume was similar to Steven Universe's outfit. He had the iconic star shirt and a short sleeves jacket. He had fingerless gloves for handling weapons, and jeans.

(Mellow and Yozen both wear sneakers.)

"Aaww!! So cute!!"  "Ah, Mellow... Please put her down..." A concerned Momo spoke. "Huh? Why?"  "You're uh... suffocating her..." Mellow look down to see that her friend stopped moving. "OH MY GOD SHE DIED! BREATH MY CHILD!" Mellow shook Pup, just to be stopped by Aizawa. "Please. Don't. Start. Making. Fools. Of. Yourselves." I spoke in a not-so-friendly tone of voice. She awkwardly laughed and set her friend down.

"Today's lesson is combat training. Please pick one of the names and that is who you'll fight."  "But Aizawa sensei!" Iida shouted with his robotic movements. "There are 23 of us! This is unbalanced!"  "*Sigh*... Whoever doesn't get a name will be fighting the winner. Okay?" Everyone went up to pick a name, not wanting to go up against their strongest. Soon Pup came up and realised there were none left. "A-Ah... I- Is..." She nervously glanced up at Aizawa who just shrugged.

"I'm so dead."

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