Chapter 10

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Pup's P.O.V.

You know when people go on vacation to get away from everything? That's what I'm doing right now with Mr. Nomu. We've had fun playing hide and seek and exploring the woods and teaching Mr. Nomu to not crash! I don't know when I left and how much longer I'll be here for, but I'll go back when I'm ready! Besides, they probably are not worried right?

"Hey Mr. Nomu?" "Yes, Pup?"  "You think you could tell one of my friends where I am... I didn't tell them I would be away..."  "Only you can understand me. They'll only see me as a creature of evil."  "Oh... Well do you think you could find a way to get my sketchbook? I wanna practice my quirk!"  "I shall try my best."

He walked out and started flying away. I started trying to find some spider friends to play with.

"Mr. Spider! You're not supposed to get on top of Mrs. Spider in leap frog! Jump. Over. Your. Wife!!" Mr. And Mrs. Spider aren't really in the mood for games I guess. Mr. Spider is just putting himself on top of Mrs. Spider. As I was trying to teach them how to play duck duck goose, I hear voices in the room Mr. Nomu and I sleep. I walk over and peak around the corner to see two people. I turn back into human Pup to try and get a better look. There was a blonde lady with buns and a scary smile. There was also a guy with black hair and purple scars. They look really scary!

"Where's that damn Nomu?!" Mr. Purple yelled. "This is so lame! Why are we doing Shigaraki's dirty work. It's his Nomu!" They were talking about Mr. Nomu. I was about to go hide until they left when I... accidentally sneeze.

"What was that?" Mr. Purple asked. "It came from the hall I think." Scary lady said. I turn back into my pup form to try and get away, bht was quickly picked up. "Awww!! Dabi look at this cute little puppy!! Can I keep it?!" I try to wighle my way out of her grip, but she's really strong. "You better take care of it."  "I will~!" I was struggling as they took me through the purple portal. Unfortunately, people can't understand me in pup form. All they can hear is barking. But in reality, you don't want to hear want I was saying.

We soon were in a building I didn't know. I looked around and there were more people. There was a turtle guy, a smoky guy, a guy in a suit, and a hand guy. There were also a few more people. I was really scared and I hope Mr. Nomu will come find me.

"Where is the Nomu?! And who is that mutt?!" Mr. Hand asked Scary girl and Mr. Purple. "It escaped, Shigaraki. And Toga found it and wanted to keep it." Mr. Purple said. So Mr. Hand was Shigaraki and Scary girl is Toga. "Ohhh! Can we please keep him boss?! It can be the League of Villains mascot!" Toga said, lifting me up. I tried wiggling my way out again, but it didn't work. "Why does it have clothes on? Did you steal someone's pet?" Shigaraki asked them. I am not a pet! I wanna bite him. "Nope, no collar. It was in the hallway where that Nomu was. I guess it got abandoned." Mr. Purple said. "So can we keep it?!"  "Ugh... fine! But you and Dabi both have to take care of it!" So Mr. Purple is Dabi. Maybe I'll know the other people's names soon. I hope they are nice people... but they scare me so I don't know... I hope I don't stay for too long.

After a little bit of talking, I got to know more people. There was Spinner, Twice, Mr. Compress, Magne, and Kirogiri. They were really nice to me and even let me sleep on them. I like Kirogiri the best because he gives me really good food. They all had pretty cool quirks and I even got to watch some of them use them. It made me realise that they weren't so bad after all!

It's been about two weeks since I've stayed with him. I hope they'll one day let me go home, but every time I want to go outside they wouldn't let me! I sleep with Dabi in his room because his quirk makes him really warm. They go on a lot of missions which I don't mind, because I can explore and have mini adventures! I also draw to practice when they're not here. When I'm by myself I also turn back into human Pup so I can stretch out a little more. Toga always hangs around me in her free time, but I don't like her at all. She's always carrying around sharp knives and trying to dress me up in uncomfortable dresses. Oh yeah, they named me "Luna" because it sounds all villain-y and stuff. I don't mind the name, but I missed when Izuku would call me Cupcake... I miss Zuzu so much. But I'm sure he hates me...

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