Chapter 17

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"You excited, Pup?" Izuku asked. "Yep!" The young gurl answered. It's been about 2 weeks since they rescued Eri. Izuku, Pup, and Mellow were walking to the address the doctor gave them. Pup was using crutches that the doctor gave her for her leg. They found out taht her parents lived in another city, so the two other teens decided to go with her. Pup was super excited to finally see her mom and dad.

They arrived at the apartment complex that was given. It was a very nice complex, there is beautiful floral and a very nice lake in the middle, the apartments around it. There was a very beautiful pool behind the apartments, getting a great veiw of the lake. The three teens' eyes sparkled. "Wow..." Izuku mumbled.

They walked to door 206. Pup felt a tight feeling in her chest, and was a little nervous. She felt a little better after Izuku hugged her. She then sucked in her breath and knocked on the door. There was silence for a few second, then a male opened the door.

Pup looked him, not able to speak. The man looked at her with surprised eyes. He had dark brown hair and icy blue eyes. He stood about 6'8", a very large man. He had light tan skin and freckles dotting all over his body. Both the daughter and father were staring at each other. It was silent for a bit.

"D- Dad?" The young Pup spoke. "A- Are you... Aaron Ceal?"  "Y- Yeah... A-And..." They didn't know what to say at all. Then, they both broke into tears, crying in each others arms. "Oh darling... I've missed you so much..."  "Oh my god I have a dad..."  "Sweetie..." Aaron picked up her head, eyes meeting his. "I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you until now... We had to keep you there for a long time... We were in bad businesses for a long time, a- and they threatened to take you away... I missed you so much, god you look just like your mother..."  "Is... mom here?"  "... No... I'm sorry honey...  She passed away a few years ago... I wish she could see you right now..." Even if she'd never seen her mom, she felt sad to not see her.

"I'm so happy for you!" Mellow cheered, also having tears in her eyes. "If you'd like, you're welcome to stay." Aaron invited them. "Oh no thanks! We have to get back to UA! You and Pup catch up. We just needed to make sure Pup got gets here safe!"  "Pup? That's what you named her?"  "That's what I asked!" Izuku piped in. "Well, that's okay. Go say goodbye to your friends, sweetie."

She hugged Mellow, and went to hug Izuku, but fell through him. "Ah, Pup! A- Are you okay?!" Izuku panicked. She looked confused for a few seconds, and then went to touch Izuku. Her hand went through. "Zuzu, can you become visible? I wanna hug you."  "I am...?" Now they were all concerned and confused. Then Izuku fell on the floor. "Zuzu!"  "What's... what's going on?!" A concerned Izuku asked. He looked at his hands as they started disappearing. "AHHH!!" He screamed. Tears started pouring out, both from him and Pup.

"What's wrong with Izuku?!" Mellow asked, panicked. "He's a ghost, right?" Aaron asked. "Y- Yeah, I am."  "I think you're... finally being brought up..."  "What? What do you mean?"  "Pup has both mine and her mother's quirks, meaning that she can see ghost just like her mom. There's a reason they're down here, and it is to help a person. And as a reward for helping said person, they get to be sent up. It's almost like a restart... It seems that... bringing Pup back to me, you are going to get to go..."  "B- But... Zuzu... I don't want you to go! What's going to happen when you're gone?! We won't get to prank o- or take naps or-" Izuku cups Pup's cheeks, looking at her tear filled eyes. "Hey... Don't worry Pup. I get to be with my mom now, and I can still watch you... Don't be sad to see me leave, because I'm not always gone, just... not being able to see you for a long time. I love you so much, and you've brought me so much joy, Pup. You're kind, sweet, caring, and just an overall amazing person. I'll miss you so much, but... I think we both know it's best..."  "Y- Yeah... I know... But I'll miss you so much..."  "I'm gonna miss you, too..." 

Izuku had almost faded away completely, both having tears in their eyes. "I- I love you, Zuzu... I'll never forget you..."  "I'll miss you too... I'll be watching you, and protecting you. I love you..." And with those final words, he was gone. Pup fell to her knees, ignoring her leg. She felt two warm arms wrap around her. She looked up to see Mellow and her dad hugging her. She bursted out crying, sad that her best friend left her.

"Bye, Pup. Are you sure you'll be alright?"  "Y- Yeah... You head back to UA. I wanna stay with my dad for a coupke of weeks. I'll call you when I'm ready. By Mellow." She waved goodbye to her other best friend. He father grabbed her hand and gave her a good hug. "I have ice cream, honey. You wanna go have some and talk? I'd love to know what you've done."  "Yeah... Okay Dad." She gave a small smile, liking that she could call someone Dad.

For the next two weeks, the two bonded a lot. He took Pup shopping and out to eat. He showed her what her mother looks like. She had beautiful long hair, her hair color being a light auburn. She had freckles dottimg her face. She had short stumpy ears, and a long tail. Her eyes sparkled like the ocean. Her smile bright, and her figure short. She looked a lot like Pup.

After the two weeks were over, Aaron drove her to UA, instead of having Mellow walk all the way to get her. She introduced him to all her classmates and the staff. He thanked them for rescuing her, and was thinking of wanting to apply here, since his job is a lot more farther from his apartment than UA. Pup felt overjoyed.

Later that night, she slept in Mellow's bed again. She wondered what the future now holds for her, and what will happen to her and her friends and family.

"I hope you'll be proud of me, Zuzu..." She mumbles before falling asleep.

The Ghost of U.A. (Ghost Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now