Chapter 9

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"Okay, truth or dare, Bakugou?" Mellow asked as the bottle stopped on Bakugou. Everyone stared at him, waiting for his answer. "Dare, I'm not a fucking twink, unlike a lot if you." Mellow and a few other students rolled their eyes. "Whatever... I dare you... to kiss the person you like the most on the cheeks!" She gave off a smug face as everyone saw Bakugou's face turn a bright red. "Fine." Everyone started saying 'ooh~' and 'tea', though Pup didn't know why people were talking about drinks.

Katsuki had held back for a few seconds, then kissed Mellow on the cheek. She looked shocked for a minute, then her cheeks became hot red. It was almost like you could feel the heat, like Todoroki's fire. "Ohhhh, tea sis!" Denki commented. "SHUT UP, PIKACHU!" Bakugou shouted, face also red.

(Please don't hate me for shipping my friend's characters because they like the cannon character. I know a lot get hate from it :( It won't be obvious and crammed into your faces, but that's who they like. Anyways, enjoy!)

Bakugou spun the bottle, landing on Todoroki. "Truth or dare, IcyHot?" "Todoroki. And truth." "What do you think about Yozen?" Todoroki looked at the bored Yozen. Both had an expressionless face. Todoroki shrugged and simply said "He's alright. We've gotten well acquainted, I assume." "Laaammmmeee!" Bakugou spoke, tossing, more-or-less yeeting it at Todoroki's face.
"I hope I get picked!" Kirishima shouted. Izuku snickered, and as the bottle was spinning, he purposely stopped it at Denki, who was right next to Kirishima. "Aw come on!" Kiri conplained. Pup snickered at Izuku's shenanigans. "What so funny, Pup?" Jiro asked. "Ah! Nothing!" "Alright, Kaminari, truth or dare?" "Dare!" He said, and watched as Yozen leaned over and whispered to Todoroki.

"Ah, okay. Kaminari, I dare you to go outside and use your quirk to the maximum." "A-Ah..." He said, feeling a bit nervous. He walked outside, and immediately you could see bright yellow sparks shine through the window. Kaminari stumbled back inside, but with his shorted out expression. Mina stood up, and helped him back to his room.

"Ah, well... Since he's uh... unable to spin... Yozen, you wanna go?" Mellow asked. "Okay." He grabbed the bittle and spun it on the ground. "Pup, truth or dare?" "Um... Truth!" "Who are you always talking to in class?"

The room went silent. Izuku just stared at the boy, and then back at Pup. Her face had lost significant color, and she started sweating. "A-Ah... um..." She stuttered, trying to lie her way out of it. "No one! I- I just... talk to myself!" "So you call yourself 'Zuzu'?" "HOW MUCH HAVE YOU HEARD?!" "Just say it..." He said, unknowingly asking her to spill the biggest secret she has. "I-It was pretend!" "...Pretend?" Asked some of the 1-A students. "Y-Yeah! A lretend friend to talk to... w-when you guys are learning so I don't bother anyone!" ..... "OHHHHH!" Mellow said. "You mean imaginary friend! There's nothing to hide about that!" "I-... Heheh, y-yeah! That's what I meant!" She sighed a breath of relief, and so did Izuku. "Do you guys want to play something else, kero?" Asui asked. "Oh yeah! Didn't you say we were gonna summon the U.A. ghost?!" Uraraka asked excited. "Oh boy, this will be fun..." Izuku sarcastically announced, Pup only hearing him. "You think they will actually summon you?" Pup whispered to him. "No, I would have been summoned ages ago then. Doesn't mean I can't mess around with Katsuki as revenge for every single living hell he's put me through!" He had a xreepy, yet happy smile on his face, and Pup shivered slightly at it.

After a few minutes, the students who haven't gone to bed yet were surrounding an ouija board. Those students were Bakugou, Mellow, Pup, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Kirishima. "This is gonna be so manly Bakubro! If you ladies need me to hold your hands, then don't hesitate!" "Don't be so blunt about it, kero." Tsuyu spoke. "So do any of you know how to work this thing?" Mellow asked, embarrassed. "WHY DON'T YOU KNOW THIS WAS YOUR IDEA, PONYTAIL!?" Bakugou screamed. "I didn't think we'd follow through with it! I guess you just ask questions and the ghost moves this triangle looking thing?" "Oh god, these idiots..." Izuku muttered. "Pup, never listen to them. They have no idea what they're doing. I guess I'll just move it to make them leave it alone." Pup nodded and just played along. "So who wants to go first?" Uraraka asked, her fingers together. "I'll go first!" Mellow asked excitedly. "I'll do the most simplest question that all summonings begin! Ghost of UA! Are you here?" Izuku rolled his eyes and put the answer as no, wishing he could have an option that says "I wish I wasn't". "Wow, the ghost is a smart ass." Bakugou commented. Mellow rolled her eyes. "Whatever! The ghost just proved it was there!" "I'll go next. Oi, ghost! Did you have a cool quirk, or were you some dumbass extra?" "Oh that's it!" Izuku said, pissed off. He threw the thing to answer them with at Bakugou's head. They all started laughing at him. "FUCK YOU TOO GHOST!" "Bakubro, chill! My turn anyway!" Kirishima placed the thing back down on the board and asked his question. "So, ghost guy. Were you, or have you, been or wanted to go to UA.?" Izuku answered yes.

As the questions went on, they learned more and more about their ghist friend, like what food he likes, what heroes he admired (Well, who he used to admire), even some features of his body such as eye color and hair. Katsuki was still oblivios to the fact that it was the kid he used to bully months before.

"Hey Pup." Uraraka spoke up. "Hm?" "You haven't asked one question, why don't you give it a try?" "Oh um... Okay?" Pup looked up at Izuku who was awaiting her question, expecting to answer something she already knew to make it less suspicious. "...What nickname were you given that stuck with you?" Izuku looked at her, shocked at such a serious question. He turned to Katsuki, who was awaiting the ghost's answer. I sighed and reluctantly moved to the letters "D-e-k-u". The whole room fell silent. Pup knew what she was doing. "And... What did you, if you had any, give as a nickname to your best friend?" Izuku stared at the wolf girl, a little pissed. She had known ever since the day the sleep over was announced what she was doing. She was intelligent, for a pup. Katsuki just stared at the board, awaiting the ghost's answer, hoping it was nkt who he thought it was he communicated with all those years ago, the same boy he tortured constantly for being different. "K-a-c-c-h-a-n". The explosive boy back away for a few seconds, silent with fear. After what seemed like eternity, he slowly got up, and walked to his dorm. Slowly but surely, everyone else was going to sleep, except one.

"What the hell were you thinking Pup?!" Izuku shot at her loudly. "You didn't have to answer, but you did anyway! You could've told me your limits! You said nothing! All you said was you were going to make your presence known to them! No where did you say you would get caught in the moment, answering alk theses personal life questions! You were already in too deep, and if Bakugou wasn't so dense sometimes, he would have figured it out sooner!" "That doesn't give you the right to ask things like that to me!" "It's a freaking QUESTION IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Pup yelled out. Not once had she used Izuku's full name. Not once. Ever. "You make yourself present all the time with your dumb pranks and haunting! If that wasn't obvios enough, you then decided 'Oh! This will be fun! Why don't I hint at things, so my childhood FRIEND can get even closer to figuring out the truth!" "That wasn't my intention, Pup!" "WELL IT CERTAINLY SEEMED LIKE IT, DEKU!" She stomped her foot. Her eyes were no longer the blue-green eyes you'd be familiar with. No. These eyes were the eyes of an enraged werewolf. They were bright yellow, and pitch black slits for pupils. Izuku stood back a little in fear. She then realised what has happen. She tried to shake off the bright yellow color m, but nothing worked. Out of fear, she ran out the dorms. Izuku called out to her, but that just made her run faster. She could only run to the one place no one would think to find her.

"Mr. Nomu... Can I stay here for a little, please?"

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