Chapter 7

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Mellow's P.O.V.

Yozen and I were making last finishing touches in decorations. We decided that the main events would take place in the lounge area, and the girls and boys would be separated by dorms. The girls would be in Pup's and my room, and the boys in Yozen. As we were setting out snacks, we started just talling about random stuff. When you start to talk to Yozen more, you realise how he's just as stupidly funny as the rest of 1-A. He may act cold, but he's actually a big softy to his friends.

"You think we need cake?" I ask. "Maybe... Think you have time to get one?" He responded. "Hm... Oh! I'll ask Pup if she can run to the bakery- Speaking of which, have you seen her?" I look at Yozen. He just shrugs and goes back to decorating. I started getting a little nervous... Normally she's close to us... "I- I'm gonna go find her... I'm getting worried." "'Kay." I walk out the door and look around the school. After looking through the parts of school she would be in, I looked through the parts she wouldn't be in, then in the dorms, then in the training field, and then the school's garden... she wasn't in any of these places. Pup, where are you?!

Izuku's P.O.V.

Pup's been acting weird today. Ever since lunch she has completely ignored everyone. Wether they talked, or even yelled her name, she would act like no one's there. I was trying to ask what's wrong, but she didn't even answer me. I just left her alone to do her own thing. After a but, I went to look for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked through the school, even town. She wasn't anywhere. I'm starting to get worried. After school ended, I saw her friends, Mellow and Yozen, in the dorms.

Oh yeah, I thought, Pup said something about a sleepover in the dorms tonight. Maybe she'll be right there...

I saw Mellow leave after a bit. She had a worried look on her face, like she lost something important. Maybe she's also looking for Pup... I wonder where she went off to?

Pup's P.O.V.

"Mr. Nomu?" I called out. I was at the building I met Mr. Nomu. It was an abandoned place, way way deep in the woods. I was in my pup form so that he would recognize me. Mr. Nomu isn't the brightest, but he's really sweet. He told me he was left here after being a failed experiment. I feel really bad for him. We met the day after I started helping out at UA. I was exploring the woods behind the school, and I got a little too ahead of myself and explored really far. I found this old building and decided to play there and see if there were any spider friends to play with. I walked a little more around and I heard talking. I peeked around the corner and saw two people. One was a guy with blue hair and had a hand on his face. Why? It looked kind of useless since he had two hands already. Another was a girl. She had two buns on her head and a creepy smile on her face. Mr. Nomu was in front of him. They were talking to each other, then left. I then walked in and said hi. That's when our friendship started.

"Hi Mr. Nomu!" I said. I put my paw up and waved at him. "Pup?" He asked. He turned around and picked me up. He pit me in a tight hug and then put me down. My Nomu is really cool because he has wings so he can fly! He was really big, bigger than Mr. Yagi.

"What brings you here?" He asked, his head tilted. "W- Well... *sigh*... I don't know what to do. My friend is a stone cold killer... He killed animals and his mom! And then he killed himself... and now my friends want to try and summon him! And Mr. Nezu now knows I can see him and I don't know what to do or even think!" "Oof... That sounds serious. You tell anyone else how you feel?" "N- No... Well... I told my new friend Shinso about Zuzu... But... I didn't technically tell him everything. No one would understand how much I'm going through anyway..." "Well... I understand. I was a person at one time, and I was experimented on. Now I have to obey Shigaraki, well... not really. He threw me out here because I wouldn't listen to him. I'd rather be here instead of with him..." He looked sad after he said that. "I'm sorry Mr. Nomu... I wish I could bring you back... Lolo and Yoyo-..." "Lolo and Yoyo?" " OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT THE SLEEPOVER!" I was about to get up and leave when Mr. Nomu grabbed me. "Hey wait! I'll fly you over there! You seem in a rush!" "Thank you Mr. Nomu!"

He put me on his back and walked outside. He put his wings out, and we flew up quick in the air. We went so fast that I had to close my eyes. When I opened them, what i saw was amazing! We were above Musutafu city. The lights and cars and sounds of the city could be seen. My eyes grew wide and they sparkled like the lights.

"Mr. Nomu this is amazing!" He chuckled. "Yeah... So, where do you want to land?" "Oh, that building over there! Right at the door." "Got it!" He was starting to fly down, but then I realized that... he wasn't slowing down... "U-Uh... Mr. Nomu? Don't you think you need to slow down?!" "I'm trying! I haven't really learned the whole landing thing!" "YOU WHAT?!" We started screaming and trying to figure out how to land without crashing in the 1-A dorms.

We ended up crashing into a tree.

"Uhhgg... Thank... you... Mr. Nomu..." "N-No problem... I'll uh... by on my way..." We said our goodbyes and both started walking back to our homes. I changed back into my human form, which also had ripped clothes and messy hair like my Pup form. I was scratched up here and there, but it wasn't anything too bad. I walk to the door and open it.

"Hey Lolo! Yoyo! I'm back!" No one answered. "Guys?" I walk a little bit farther to see everyone talking.

"Aizawa and Mic Sensei are looking some more. We need a thorough search of UA... We have to find her."

"Find who?" The all turn to me. "PUP!" They all screamed. "Uh yeah..." "Where were you? Why are you all scratched up?!" Lolo asked. She hugged me. "I- I was visiting a friend and stayed longer than I thought. They flew me back and uh... we had a crash landing. I would have told you, but I don't have those... telephonie thingies." "I'm just glad you're okay. We were all scared you were kidnapped by villains or even killed! Don't leave without permission, okay?" "Yes Lolo... sorry..." "Alright, Momo, can you or Yozen make some bandaids for her?" "Yeah, sure." Momo said. "Go change, Pup." "Yes, Lolo."

I walk up to our dorm we share. I take off my clothes that I need to replace tomorrow. Afterwards, I get my pajamas on. I was about to walk out the door, when Zuzu appeared right in front of me.

"Cupcake! Oh thank god you're okay! I was so worried!" He wrapped his arms around me. I felt bad for going and worrying everyone... "Look... I know what's going on." "You do?" "Yeah. I over heard Melliw and Yozen talking at lunch. I would have thought you'd had told me afterwards, but then I see you walk away. Then you're off who knows where! I care about you, Pup... You can't scare me like that, okay?" "Okay, dad..." Wait what? "E- Eh... What was that, Pup?"

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