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"AHHH! VILLAIN!" The citizens turn their heads and face a villain of magma. They're shooting bits of lava and creating fire. "Where are the pro heroes?!"

"Citizens of *            * city, we are under a direct attack from a villain! Please evacuate the area as quickly as possible! This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a dri-"  "Look! Team Unstoppable has come!"

The heroes fled to the scene. A huge white wolf the size of the average man while on fours came to bring civilians out of the city. "Behold! The three members of The Unstoppables! The Fluffy Hero: Fluff Pup! The Atoms Hero: Atomic! And The Summoning Hero: The Steven!"  "Pup, get the civilians out of the area! Rescue people from the burning buildings. Yozen, summon something that can be used to calm this guy!"  "You're the boss."  The big wolf let out an understanding bark-growl. She ran, picking up civilians in her giant form and placing them on her back. Her fast speed allowed her to get them back atleast 100 meters from the scene. She quickly got everyone out of the burning buildings, and ran back to her friends.

"Augh! Nothing's working!" A very angry Yozen complained. "Did you try water?!" Mellow exclaimed. "Yeah! It just keeps reforming, even if that part is burnt off."  "Damn it- PUP!" The giant wolf ran to the villain, feeling the heat fromt he giant creature. He bit down on the arm of the monster using her sharp teeth. She felt something solid for a few seconds, before retracting so she doesn't burn her mouth.

She transformed back into human form. "Guys! There's something solid underneath! You can hit whoever is in there!"  "Good eye, Pup!" Mellow said, petting her head. She then proceeded to put her arms out, quirk at the ready. "YOU HAVE ONE MORE CHANCE TO STOP BEFORE I SHOOT!" The villain did not back down. "That's it, ATOMIC LASER: POWER 50!" Her laser shot at the villain, rendering them weak. Their lava-like body chilling down. "Now, Yozen!" Using his quirk, he summoned a bucket of water. He threw the water at the villain, causing the villain's lava skin to wash away.

The villain was cuffed and arrested. "Alright Pup, go talk to her..." Mellow gestured to the villain. "Mhm!"

"Hey..."  "What. Came to gloat about your victory?!"  "No, of course not! I just came to talk. Why are you destroying such a lovely city?"  "... I panicked after... accidentally setting something on fire... because my quirk is dangerous..."   "Well, all quirks are dangerous. Just think about All Might! If he doesn't train himself, then his body could be hurt, and he can also hurt others! It's your choice whether your quirk is dangerous or not, abd it's your choice on how you use it, and what for."   "... T- Thank you..." She smiled at the young hero. "You're one of the few people who have told me that..."  "You're welcome! But... You know you'll have to be in jail for a few months because you endangered innocent civilians."  "I- I know, but... I'm gonna change!"  "That's the spirit!"

"Wow, that one was fast!" Yozen commented. "Yep! It was just a panicked quirk user. She accidentally got scared of her quirk and lost control. I gave her a comforting talk!" "So... she makes... 250 people you've changed? That's amazing!"  "Yeah but... I wish it could be more... there are over 7 BILLION people in the world, and I've had instances where villains don't want a change. Those are the people I gope for the most."  "Oi, don't beat yourself up!"  "Yeah! Just be hapoy for the people you could save!"  "Thanks guys..."

After walking back to their agency building, they saw their other members and friends. "Yo! Yozen! We saw you guys on TV!" Kiri called out. "Well good! We worked our asses off trying not to get burnt!"  "Bakubae~!"  "What's up, Ponytail?"  "We've been dating for almost 7 years, and you STILL call me that stupid nickname?! I thought that was high school thing!"

Pup laughed at her friends' silliness. She announced she was heading to her room and walked off. Once she got to her room, she turned her light on to her room and walked in, closing the door behind her. She sighed, changing out of her hero outfit. She looked at the framed photos of her as a baby with her mom and dad, and the others of her and Izuku. She gave a soft smile, remembering every second her and Izuku spent together.

She then looked at the mirror in her room. She looked back at the photo of her and Izuku from high school. She then looked back at her reflection. She had changed a bit since high school. Her hair became longer, reaching her shoulders, super curly. The ends of her hair faded into white, not because of dye, but because of her quirk. She grew a bit, almost 8 inches. It isn't much, since this makes her now 4'8", but it's a lot better than from high school. She smiled at her image, feeling like the hero everyone says she is. She would jave never imagined this is what the future held, and she's glad she wished this. She then remembered someone. She promised him that she would call him afyer every hero battle.

*Ring... Ring...*

"Hey Dad! Did you see us on TV?"

Tysm for the support, and I hope to make more stories in the future! I love you all, and I hope you can read more of my stories <3

Next story will be an omegaverse, so give me suggestions and what you want in there. Thank you to my friends who let me use their OCs, and I hope I can get as much support on the next one. Love you all!!

(Sorry for it being so short, but I didn't know how to end it off in detail)

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