Ch. 22 | A Mission

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~ Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. ~

- Will Rogers.


"You ready to roll?"

I tightened the belt strap on my waist, as I made my way with sharp wide steps over to the guys, feeling powerful. Finally I had clothes on, and I was as ready to roll as Chris asked, perhaps too much.

Almost as soon as we had our leader with us things moved fast: we got our weapons back, I was allowed to go and get dressed while the guys were given bunch of equipment as well advices, although I could hear that they didn't care nor listen. I had noticed that Alchadar and Chris liked to learn on the battlefield. I personally concidered it mad but I guess it's a way to go too. After all they were professionals.

"Yeah. Finally got some clothes on too." I said while I swung my bow on my shoulder, shooting a very pointed look at King Thranduil. He cracked a nervous smile and chuckled, until he cleared his throat to earn our attention back on the matter at hand.

"Legion's armada is hiding here, in the factory worker's mines." The King pointed with his finger a map's certain point which had been spread open on the King's table, our group looked down like we were planning a war plan. Well technically yes, but our main goal was to get Gail back. But I knew we wouldn't make the trip without fighting, not while Chris tagged along.

He just seems to cause drama just so he can fight.

"Mines? We're going underground?" I asked while I lent to the table, looking at the dark spot the King had pinpointed. Of course it was the darkest area you could find on the paper.

"Are you claustrophobic?" King Thranduil asked once he rose his look and looked at me with calm face. Chris howled out a laugh beside me.

"I don't think it's that why she's a bit spooked." Chris wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, a teasing grin on his face. I rolled my eyes the most possible seen-able way I could. I was ready to punch him.

"Bad memories." Armen helped and growled at the Slayer, the man released me almost immediately with a look 'I give up'. I winked at the Beast. These guys knew exactly why I was a bit tense of the mention going underground, remember the Aswang? Me being almost killed? Almost sucked in the thing like I was his body part?

"Faith." Alchadar's voice made me glance up at him on the other side the table, his amber eyes were soft while he held his huge hands on the table- looking strong yet gentle. Gosh I loved it. "I wish that you'd accompany us, but in any means necessary I'm not forcing you to come, not if you're not ready for this." He said, speaking again with his deep, baritone voice that made everyone around him know of his authority. Demons' voices are way deep.

I stared at him long, then glanced at the guys around me. Why... the hell were they looking like I was a child again?

The situation made me snort. "Oh, I know that you want me to stay. It's written on all of yours' faces." I pointed at all of them like I was drunk, even Long Ears who looked at me her brow up. I knew what she was thinking: 'this idiot is actually a part of this group?' "I'm in. No matter what." I said it strong, not allowing a but to hear from anyone's mouth.

I'd beat them.

"-- Good. Well then," King Thranduil smiled at me generously, I didn't expect the King of the Elves to be so childish. He pulled out a small red ball out of his pocket, which was the size of his thumb nail. "I'm giving you 100 000 eons if you retrieve my son back alive and well, that is the condition of our deal. Understood?"

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