Ch. 31 | The Guild Request

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~ All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. ~

- Ralph Waldo Emerson.


"You gonna take it or what...!?

"Shh! You'll wake them up...

"You'll be hunted down for this, you two...

In the depth of my dreams I though I was hearing voices, so I grunted in annoy and snuggled closer to something warm. It was like a radiator, wrapped around me. Once I heard a loud snap and a bright light annoy my eyelids I went rigid, and so seemed to go my radiator as well. Hold up, do blankets move?

"Got 'em!" Someone yelled loudly, I tried to adjust to the pitch black room and noticed a pair of amber eyes already look at me, and the fact how close we were. I yelped and scooted quickly away, failing to notice how close the bed's edge was as I slammed down onto the ground on my ass, growl leaving my throat. Everywhere hurt- my head, thigh and now my ass as well. Another flash went on before my eyes, I glared up to see Chris there with a camera, taking pictures of me and Alchadar. 

Hold the fuck up.

They saw us!? 

"Chris." I growled, my partner already up on his feet fixing his shirt while he looked dangerously at the Elf and Demon Slayer, these two snickering at the just-taken photos. I got up as well, looking over to my partner who had the same idea, his face turning excited. Our goal was to get that camera, and to delete those photos. "... Come here-!" 

I launched forward so fast that I shocked even myself, while I snatched the camera off his hands and ran out of the room, stopping in the hallway. 

"Oi!" Chris and Praxina yelled in unison but Alchadar blocked the doorway from their running figures, standing there his arms crossed. I grinned, they wouldn't dare to cross the just-woken up lion's territory. I got the camera on and went to the gallery, firstly seeing my own-self just sitting on the ground rubbing my sore ass. I growled. "No, don't delete them, please. You were snuggled up so good!" Chris begged and glanced over Alchadar's shoulder, my Demon partner growling to him in-humanly. 

"What the hell you two?" I questioned, they had taken loads of pictures of me jumping away from Alchadar in shock and then land onto the floor, it was like a short movie. I immediately deleted the worst of them. But then I came across the picture where me and Alchadar were wrapped around each other, seeking for warmth and the other's presence. It made my cheeks flush. Alchadar held me so close, and I was looking the most peaceful I've ever had, just sleeping against him. 

"What time is it?" Alchadar asked then while his arms crossed, all the while he glanced back at me and the picture I was staring. Even his eyes seemed to linger in the moment but then he turned back on Armen, Chris and Praxina in the room. He looked so pissed, but agreed to let the Beast come through since he hadn't done anything. 

"Way past the morning, I think 4 p.m," Armen yawned, snuggling my side as he passed. I smiled and rubbed his head, but glared immediately at Praxina and Chris who were giving me pleading looks. No way they were going to get good morning wishes from me. Then it dawned to all of us. 

"It's afternoon!?" I questioned with Praxina, shooting an odd look towards Long Ears. Even Alchadar seemed shocked for a second and glanced at the clock in the hallway, it would seem it really was that late. Well, apparently we were in need of some sleep. It was rough last night. 

"Indeed it is," Zero walked up to the stairs' top all geared up and looking like a true Demon Slayer, he even had a way different look on his face than yesterday. It would seem that he was all ready to the Guild Request. Damn, I forgot all about that too. "We should get going in an hour, get yourself dressed ladies and gentleman and something to eat. It's going to be a long night." He bowed, and started heading downstairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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