二(Death by brothers)

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*(Y/N) POV*

   I wait as the final classes end and bell rings. The upperclassmen were all trying to get you guys to join the clubs. You accepted one from the girls volleyball team along with the orchestras. Then, curiosity look around for your older brothers. 

   "VOLLEYBALL!!! VOLLEYBALL!! TRYOUTS ARE TOMORROW!" Bingo. That has to be 'Tsumu. You rush towards the voice and that was your mistake that took your freedom to pick a club. The Volleyball club was just all the upperclassmen including your brothers. They seemed to be discussing something with a third year girl. She locks eyes with you and immediately declares,

    "She's gonna be the next manager! No buts!" Everyone's eyes fall on you and you stare right back. "(N/N)? That's a great idea ya have!" You glared at 'Tsumu and turn to 'Samu eyes pleading for help. He grins right back and says, "Yup! And to all of you who want to know who this is, she is Miya (Y/N) our baby sister." You sourly looked at him who shrugged and mouthed, too bad you are our manager now.  You looked around looked for someone to bail you out and fell upon a familiar figure. My eyes widen in horror and yell, "I'm sorry 'bout what happened this mornin'!"

*Kita POV* 

    I was right, she is a Miya

    It's fine I mumble looking the other direction. "Okay! Let's head to the gym! 10 laps around the court then stretch!"

*Your POV*

     Soyo, who I figure out is the current manager gave you a smile and said, 

    "Sorry for throwin' ya under the bus. Everyone was wonderin' who the new manager was and ya were standin' there. Didn't know you were a Miya." You smiled and though about what backs up the Miya name. Which was all the pranks you and your brothers pulled in middle school. So, not much except you know your Volleyball. 

    "Yep, those dumbasses are my brothers." You say as you fondly watch them run laps around the gym from outside. Your hand nervously spins the bracelet that keeps you alive. She sigh I bit remembering your mothers last words. 

    "Never let anyone know, unless you trust them with your life." 

    As you step into the gym you see a ball flying towards your face. Probably spiked by 'Samu you thought as the ball makes contact with your forehead and you flying a meter or two.

    "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! DOES THE WORD AIM RING A BELL?" You hear 'Tsumu bellow before the whole team runs over to you. As everyone crowed around you sit up and groan in pain. 

    "Ya almost killed me you idiot..." You say and stare at your brothers in pain. The stranger from earlier to gently scoops you up and yells,

    "We're  gonna be at the nurses! Keep training goin' If I catch ya slackin' expect to run all night!" And with that you faint.


Hey guys it's Kanome!

Any ideas for the next part?! 

Hope you all are safe!

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