六(Getting Mauled by a Rouge Owl)

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     *Y/N POV*

     "And the practice match against Fukurōdani begins!"

     Ah... I see. They weren't stalking me or the boys. They were here for a practice match. I sighed in relief and yelled, 

     "Boys! It's time to warm up! You better not slack or I'll triple your training!" You cackled at the boys expressions. They immediately started to warm up except poor Suna who looked so sleepy you let him off the hook. The gym door creaked open and you caught a flash of white hair. Sprinting towards the bleach's you dived like you would in a pool right in between the seats. 

     Ow... that wasn't a smart move. I thought as I spied, wait no I'm gonna watched out for Kita.

     "What exactly did you think you could accomplish flinging yourself at a bunch of metal seats?" Speak of the devil, he was right behind me. 

     "Uh... Well you see I thought I could practice my receives and this seemed like a good place." I said and looked up at him. 

     *Bokuto POV*

     I saw my childhood friends getting ambushed by a tall dude who looked way to serious to be in high school.  

     "Akaaaaaashiiiiii....!" I whispered as we stretched. Let's rescue (N/N).  She's stuck with someone whose  personality seems worse than yours." I said while smirking. 

    "Who's personality are you calling bored..." Akaashi responded back. He turns to find my spot empty. 

    *Akaashi POV*

    Someone's needs to buy a tracker for him...I sigh and look around and find Bokuto sprinting towards (N/N) and tsundere dude. 

     "I refuse to take responsibility for what happens next."

    *(Y/N) POV*

     I see a blur shoot past Akaashi and towards us... THUNK

    I see Kita fall down with a certain Owl on his back.


    Yep... That's Bokuto. And he just mauled my upperclassmen. I'm dead. Bokuto detaches himself from Kita and screams...

    "(N/N) has to go to the bathroom" and speeds right out of the gym. 

    With me..


    "Spill the tea.." Bokuto says as we sit would near a cherry blossom tree.

    "He knows..." I say... Bokuto tilts his head to the side and says...

    "He seems like a nice guy... What's the problem?" 

    "I dunno... I feel like he is different from others."

    "Someone has a crush..." Bokuto teases.

    "Shut up..."

    "I mean he hasn't said anything to anyone right?"



     "Ouch... Relationship advice from Bokuto... Who would have thought." Akaashi says drily. We all laughed.

    "What he was saying was right for once. Bokuto-san can you use that logic on the next math quiz too and get over 26% next time?" Akaashi says icily. He drags both of us by our ears protesting back to the gym.

    13-12 Inarizaki 

     "We are losing without our setting and ace... Let's go Bokuto-San" he shoots me a smile and mouths Go talk to him.

I walk over to the reserves where the devil sits and poked his arm. 

    "Can we talk later?" I get a nod in reply. I waddle over to the managers bench and analyze the team. Bokuto is insane I thought. We were losing by 5 points. 

    "Suna! Use your limbs!" The coach yelled. The spoken idiot turned towards us and gave a lazy nod. 

-time skip- 

   "And the match goes to Inarizaki 3 sets to 2."

     (Since it was practice they played 5 sets)

     We put everything away and headed out. I stopped at the gate when I saw the head of the person I wanted to speak to. We were the only ones left.


    I was going to explain when he cuts in...

    "I know. Because I have them too."



Sorry it's a semi-cliffhanger.

Have a good day! Next update will be tomorrow!

Sakusa and Komori are ready! 


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