Operation: Evade Kita

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     *(Y/N) POV*

      That's exactly what I did. I got the hell out of there. Kita Senpai sat there dumbfounded as I bolted away faster than Usain Bolt. I kept running straight till I ran into a door. It's my door... I quickly unlock it and yell,

    "'Tsumu and 'Samu get yer asses down here." You heard them thunder down the stairs and take in your form. 

    "Why are you so pale (N/N)" 'Tsumu cautiously asks. My voice cracked,

    "He knows... Kita knows." I hear their sharp intake of breath. They both are so calm, I start to wonder if they even heard me.

     *The Twins POV*

     Should we tell her? Nah, we will let her suffer a day or two since she threatened us with a knife yesterday. They cackled silently. That dumbass doesn't realize half our team are just like us. 

   * A few moments later*

     *Kita POV*

     I lay in bed looking at the ceiling. Another one of us... I should have seen that coming. She obviously is related to the twins... My mind kept spinning. The Volleyball team has a few foxes...Suna, Osamu, Atsumu, and now me and her. I felt my self getting drowsy and all of a sudden...


    Ah.. six am already... time for school. I woke up and did my daily routines. Slipped my shoes on after an exhausting day and started my long walk to school. 

    *(Y/N) POV*

    I started my walk to school with my brothers and we when to the court for a 45 minute practice. Which consisted of me hiding behind everything to avoid the person named Kita Shinsuke. I started classes as usual but during lunch there was a loud,

    "HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto? I questioned the chances of that airhead being here. Nope probably not him. I turned the corner and ran right in a boy with gunmetal blue eyes.

   "Sorry..." we mumbled at the same time. I spotted ombré hair black to white and immediately dove under the nearest table earning questioning looks from everyone.

    "Need a hand up?" I see the boy I ran into holding a hand out of me. 

    "Yes..." I took his hand and he pulled me up and out of the cafeteria. "Eat lunch with me on the roof?" We sat in silence for a bit staring at the empty roof top. 

    "Your name?" I asked... 

    "I'm surprised you don't remember me... (N/N)ie." 


    "AKAAAAAAAAAASHI, WHERE WERE YOU." The doer to the roof top slams open and a boy with salt and pepper hair charges out screaming like a banshee. 

    "Bokuto-san we were just talking." The mentioned boy looks at me then Akaashi and right back at me. 

    "HEY HEY HEY! ITS (N/N)!" Your other childhood friend says. 

    "Keiji and Kou...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THESE PAST SEVEN YEARS." They laugh at the first question you ask them.

    "Up and about if you know what I mean" Bokuto says with a cheeky grin. He pulls Keiji and I into a bear hug and I feel two sets of wings wrap around us. Wait a second...Three, two, one.

    *Third POV* 

    I think she blew a fuse...The boys though as they watch your eyes spin in circles.

-time skip to practice-

   *Your POV*

    "And the practice match against Fukurodani begins now!" 

(Next is Itachiyama sorry about that...Bokuto has a mind of his own and decided it was showtime)


Hey guys sorry for taking so long!

See you seen



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