二十一(Seeking Comfort)

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    Ah yes... I wrote this at like 12 in the morning in my Harry Potter room...

   -A few months later(Spring Tournament)-

   *(Y/N) POV* 

   We had won the prefecture but my brothers wanted to win nationals. We were currently in set two, the team had dropped the first set to our opponents Mr.Blueberry and Sunshine. I was currently trying to figure out how to stop the setter. He wasn't giving a way any hints like Tsumu, I saw Suna glance over at Osamu and smiled. They were the most adorable couple on campus. 

    "GET YOUR BUTTS MOVIN!" I yell at them as Tsumu gets ready to serve. After the incident with the two girls screaming at his first serve he had been on edge. I look over at Shinsuke who was warming up. They were probably going to put him in, he would look my way and gave a reassuring little smile as the point was scored by Ojiro bringing it to 15-10 with us in the lead. 

   "Member change, Ojiro Aran out, Captain Kita Shinsuke in." I heard them announce as our rotation moved yet again. Our cheering squad went wild as the captain took the floor. I felt something in my chest... pride maybe swell up as I watched him get ready to receive a jump serve from Kageyama. 

   "Please.." I was praying he would get the ball. Wham! The ball sailed up in a clean arc to Tsumu. I let my breath out as a memory over took me.

   "Why don't you change when you play real games?" I asked Kita Senpai. He looked at me his expression not changing as he said, 

   "What you practice and master will never leave you, especially not during a game. If i know I can do it during practice what's the difference with the real game? It's still the same volleyball" He explained to me as I wrote it all down.

  "Your brother still need to learn that. But I feel lucky to be able to play with such monsters. Maybe one day I will be able to tell my friends and kids I used to be their Captain." He would give a smile and head back to practice. 

    "I feel glad to be able to play with such monsters." My boyfriend said the same this except to Ojiro this time. My eyes glasses over at the memory and I looked around and saw my brothers focusing on the blocks made by Karasuno. I need to get better too...I pick up my notebook and start to write up some stats.

-time skip- 

"Karasuno catches up yet again!" The announcer said as the score ticks up 25-26 we were losing this point was a must. They had put Shinsuke in yet again and he was keeping our team grounded. Ginjima slams the ball down and gets us tied again. This cycle was too long, it was neck to neck and a game of survival. I chewed on my bottom lip as a watched our team feel this intense pressure. 27-27, 28-27 we where winning until... Kageyamas serve.

   Wham! A service ace. Shinsuke got the second one up and it got slammed down by baldy. I see a blur move and the ball fly up. Akagi saved the ball and Tsumu sets it to Osamu for their quick. I see the two first years there for the block a "No!" Escapes my lips.. But not before Tsumu sets to ball. In slow motion I see the ball drop on our side of the court. I cradle my head in my arms as I take in the fact that we got shut down. 

   "You did well." I hug Shinsuke and my brothers as they stand there in shock not processing what just happened well except Shinsuke he saw that one coming like me. 

   "Line up!" I yell with tears in the corners of my eyes as I see our team slowly move, eyes like broken glass twinkling as they bow to the team that supported us. We pack up our stuff and leave, it was 18:00 so our coach took us to dinner, the whole time it was silent sometimes someone would sniffle but other than that no one tried to start a conversation. I stood up to grab my stuff as we headed back to the hotel to sleep that night so we could head out in the morning.

    I headed to the shower and washed my hair while I tried to figure out how we could have won. I sigh and dip myself into the bath and relax as the water lulls me almost to sleep. I get out and grab a towel and wrap it around my body. When I finished drying my hair my phone buzzes and I see a text from Shinsuke. 

Shinsuke: Come 

I get another text

Shinsuke: Rooftop 

I sprint to the roof top not caring I was in Totoro pajamas. I bust open the door and see my beautiful mate laying to the roof looking at the stars. He probably hears me since he beckons me closer with his hand. He pats the area next time his and I sit down.

   Only to be pulled in his lap and he rests his head in my shoulder. I freeze since he usually isn't this touchy. 

   "Let me just stay like this for a while." I nod and turn around so I'm facing him. 

    "What's wrong..." I ask him softly. 

    "I could have got that last block rebound... I was so close." I sigh and look at him. 

    "Nothing can change fate or history." He looks at me his eyes soften and he buries his head in the crook of my neck and I head his start to cry. He was the only members that didn't cry during the meal or after the match. I gently hug him and one of my hands starts to play with his soft hair. We stay like that for a bit before Shinsuke pulls himself together and stands up dragging me with him. 

   "Let's sleep, I'm exhausted" He says as he moves me so he can give me a piggyback ride. I clutch on his neck and happily swing my legs as we head downstairs in a better mood. 

    He tucks me in, in him futon and wrapped the blankets around us. The world slower becomes blurred as I fall asleep.

   *Shinsuke POV*

Come home and think about it in bed, was it my fault?

Dizzying night, suddenly, look at the clock soon twelve o'clock

    I might have the lost the game today but I didn't lose her. I spoon (Y/N) as we fall asleep together, I glance at the clock 00:00. (HAHA ANY ARMYS GET THAT...IM SO SNEAKY) 

I look at the girl in my arms...I was so glad I had someone like her in my life. Non toxic and kind, 

I don't think it's going to make a difference
But this day is over

I yawn as thoughts go wild, I know I can't change what happened today

When seconds and minutes overlap
The world holds its breath for a short time
Zero O'Clock

I lay my head on my pillow and slowly fall asleep as the clock hits 00:01.


Yeah, kinda a sad chapter, I've been poking at keys lmao not efficient but it works. 

It's probably going to be more fast paced from here... should I make a extra Suna x Osamu chapter of what happened after they lose?



Stay safe and hydrated! Ily 💜💜💜


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