十三(Karasuno vs Inarizaki)

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    *(Y/N) POV* 

    I walk out and start jogging around earning confused looks from many players. Akaashi and Bokuto give me knowing smiles as they watch me. We team we are playing watches me and I slip on a practice jersey that has a L on it. For Libero.

    "No way she's a Libero!" The guy I ran into yells and starts bouncing around. Shinsuke looks at me and I give him a thumbs up! He is playing since we were training together everyday. Along with my brothers, Suna, Ginjima. 

    The other team consisted of a blueberry, a ball of sunshine, a tall timid looking dude, a bald dude and a few others. Huh... this seems like it's gonna be fun.

    "Good luck (N/N)! Show then what your made of" Komori yelled from the court next to us. Talk about a proud mom. 

    "They win the coin toss and decide to receive. 'Samu is serving this time. But the Daichi,  I think gets it up. In the blink of an eye the ball had hit our side. What was that...

    Their serve... our serve it keeps going for a bit until I figure out what the hell was happening with little sunshine and blueberry. 

    8-9 Karasuno 

    Suna seemed to also figure it out and we grinned. Shinsuke guarded the back and I scooched forward just in case cpsomeine gets blocked. I gotta give props to their Libero he has mad skills. 

    "(N/N) get you ass in the game" once again I get scolded by Komori. 

    "Okay!" I whine and focus on the next serve by Mr.BlueberryScowlyFace.

 I revive it cleanly and Atsumu looks at me proud. Let's make this a family play his eyes say and he sets it to 'Samu. It was our point.

 18-20 Inarizaki 

    We finally pull ahead of them. I receive many serves as Mr.Blueberry targets me. Well.. too bad besides I had a badass teacher. 

    A few receives by me and Shinsuke and blocks by Suna later we shut them down and took the set.

    Thank you for the game! We say and bow. Their Libero bounces over and drowns me in questions.

    "Who taught you"

    "How long have you played"

    "What teams did you play on"

    And such. Until 'Tsumu pulls him away by the back of his shirt and asks...

    "What do you want with our baby sister."

    "Atsumu relax he was only asking questions." 

    "And to answer your question Komori trained me!" I say proudly.

    You could hear a pin drop.. that's how silent it was.

    "KOOOOOOOMOOORIIIIIII" Bokuto comes screaming out of nowhere and says.


    Poor Komori he looked like he wanted to bury himself in Sakusa's jacket and never come out. 

    And with that other games started to progress and it soon was time for dinner. Everyone was allowed to rain until then and the other managers let me train instead of cook.

    "Komori.... where are you?" I look around for him since I wanted him to help me. I opened the Itachiyama room door open and my poor virgin eyes.

   It was a full on make out session. Komori was clinging onto Sakusa like a Koala. Marvelous.

   "Ehem... " I cleared my throat.

   "H-hey (N/N)"  Komori looks at me nervously. 

    "Keep it PG" I say close the door giggle. Blackmail 101

    Well... Since they are "busy" what should I do...


Whoops welp poor Komori and Sakusa!

Double update today!

Stay safe!


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