八(Bug Spray Doesn't Kill Foxes)

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*(Y/N) POV* 

    I though over how it felt when he scratched my ears. It's been a week since that incident and we were having a practice match with another powerhouse school... Itachiyama I think. 

    It was currently a break and I was hanging out with one of new friends, Kuroko. 

    "Boo!" Kuroko appeared behind me. I shot up about a foot and looked at him. 

    "If I die early I'm going to forward my funeral bill to you." I said. This kid is scary...We should play where's Waldo with him at least once. 

    "Your joking." Kuroko said. I swear he has no sense of humor, even the teacher is better off. 

    "Alright settle down! It's time for the last period before lunch." Speak of the devil, she just appeared. 

    -time skip to lunch-

    My brothers told me that Itachiyama came earlier then they thought and I saw them huddled in a circle with our team. 

   "KOMORI!" I pounced on the other Libero. He was the one who taught you your moves. 

    "How are you!" He ruffles your hair not giving a shit about your ears since he also is a fox. I felt someone burning holes in the back of my head. I slowly turned around and witnessed Kita glaring at the two of us. Ooooh. Someone's jelly. Wait why would he be jelly? I quickly excused myself since nature called.

    As I skip down the hallway I run into someone. I got a sense of nostalgia as this has happened before. 

   "Ahhhh! Germs!" The guys screamed and sprays me right in the face with bug spray. Wow, such a gentleman.

   "You realize that bug spray doesn't kill humans?" I ask, sarcasm obvious.

    "Ah.. I just figure that out..." He responds. He seems familiar. 

    At this point you were walking back to the cafeteria. 

   "Sakusa Kiyoomi, You?" He asks

   "Miya (F/N)" He scrunches his face up. You can see his forehead furrow as he thinks.

    "Are you related to the twins?"

    "Sadly." You both laugh at that. He pats your head and says,

    "Komori talks about you a lot. He trained you right?" 


    Poke. Well there is my ear. OH SHIT THAT WAS MY EAR.

    I started panicking till he laughed and grabbed my wrist. He looks left and right and says,

   "Chill, I'm also not normal. Komori gave me a heads up" he says sheepishly.



   "I'm gonna kill that little shit." I growled. He chuckled. 

    "I'm not going to stop you."

    You guys made it back to the lunch room.

    "Sakusa where were youuuuu." Komori whines. 


    " he also learned that you can't kill someone with bug spray." I snickered. 

    "Shut up!" Sakusa got all defensive.

    And where was Kita you ask? He was stilling in the corner trying to figure out how to kill them all. 

-after school-

    "So as y'all know, Inter-High is in a few weeks. We have a training camp in Tokyo that's to Fukurōdani next week bring these forms back! And today..."

    The door flies open. 

    "We are hereeeeeee!" Komori prances in the team following behind. 

    "That..." the coach finishes.

     After the boys warm up they practice match starts. The second years are doing well. But Sakusa... what was wrong with his wrists. The spin of the ball was so nasty I shuddered not wanting to even receive such a ball. 

   12-14  Itachiyama 

    Akagi goes to save the ball and his step was wrong and he pushes off the foot and rolles his ankle. Soyo rushes forward getting him to the infirmary. It wasn't anything serious but he was out for 2 days according to the nurse. 

    "Oooookay... Miya get your spare uniform." The coach yells at 'Samu. Suna watches amused as he figured out what's happening. 

   "(F/N) go get changed and warm up. You're playing."


Hey guys! Major cliffhanger! Sorry! Two more chapters of Itachiyama!

Shoutout to @_Azeire_ and @Choleil for being the most supportive angels ever. 💜 

Love you all! 


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