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    *(Y/N POV)*

     Me and Shinsuke have been dating for 5 years now... He graduated college with a degree in agriculture and I started in computer science. We still kept in touch with everyone on the volleyball team even after we graduated... 

    Osamu has proposed to Rin a few moths back and they had gone to Fiji for their honey moon. I was starting to wonder when Shinsuke would propose to me...

    -bzzzt bzzt-

     I glance at my phone and see a new message...

     Shinsuke: 6:00 tonight, wear something nice.

 I look at the text in confusing and but a timer and reply okay. I glance at the calendar. I was our 6th anniversary. I smile and stretch picking out a black dress and smoothing my hair with an iron. 


   I wait downstairs and sure enough the door opens to reveal the honey golden skin and ebony black hair of my mate. He lays his eyes on me and his nonchalant expression fades into nothing. 

    "How was today?" His deep voice vibrates as he pulls me in for a hug. I smile at his and peck his nose. 

    "Wonderful." We head to the place he booked and surprising enough it was my favorite food place. We ate and after we walked around the park which was a few few blocks away from where Shinsuke lived. 

    "(Y/N)?" I turn and see my beautiful boyfriend on his knee. I gasp and look at his trying to read his expression. 

   "Will you give me the honor of marrying you?" My eyes would gloss over and I vigorously nodded my head. He slipped a simple silver ring with a baby blue diamond on it on my finger and stands up. He pulls me toward him and spins me around both of us where crying at this point.

   He kisses me and laughs...

-A few months later-

    Today was the wedding... It went seamlessly and now we where at home. I see a Shinsuke eyeing me...(Y'all I have no idea in fuck how foxes mate so it's gonna be like wolves now...Thank you)

    "What's wrong..." I ask him. 

  "Nothing" His cheeks would redden. My fox would scream...GOD FUCKING DARN IT HE WANTS TO MATE YOU DUMBASS

My mouth drops open in a oh. I walk over to him and kiss him roughly. I see the change is his eyes as he wins for dominance and I gulp. 

   "You have no idea what you just started."

He would push me down against our bed and kisses me again nipping at my bottom lip and I open my mouth. We explore each other's mouths and I moan as he suck on my collarbone...

   "Mine...."  He growls. I would shudder and confirm 

   "Yours"  I see his eyes flash purple and he takes off his shirt letting me roam my hands across his fit chest as he peels away all of our clothes. 

   I cover myself up embarrassed and he immediately pulls my hands away.

   "Your beautiful ..." I would flush like a tomato as he gave me a soft smile and continued to mark me down till womanhood. He would look at me after seeing how wet I was. 

   "I haven't even..."  He smirks. He knows it's my first time and I trust him since it's also his first though he does act like it. 

   "Can I?" He asks me before me touches me any further. I nod my body heating up as one does when they are ready to mate...

  He would growl and his canines would be shaper and his bites down near my collarbone marking me as his while he thrusts into me at the same time.

   "hOLy fUCkiNg sHiT" I yell. the pain was overwhelming. He licks at the wound he created on my neck and waits for me to get used to his size. 

   After a minute or two I nod and he moves. I wince the pain was still there and it hurt like the goddamn devil.

   "Fuck your tight." I hear him whisper and he fastens his pace making me moan in pleasure. He smirks as he hears me moan his name over and over. 

   "I'm-" I warn his as I reach my high. He smirks also cumming in me. We wanted kids... and I guess we get pups now. He doesn't  pull out...he can't...not for a good thirty minutes. We sat their both of us covered in sweat. He would pull me into his arms spooning me and placing the blanket over us... He kissed my forehead and whispers,

   "I love you so goddamn much." I nuzzle into his chest and slowly fall asleep.


Oh god this was so shitty... I swear I tried to keep it was PG as possible BAHAHAAHA that didn't work.....

Well....Yall want a epilogue with kids or nah...



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