Chapter One

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Steven sat in his car, parked in front of a small coffee shop in Empire City. He was exhausted. Its been almost two years since he initially left beach city, traveling across the country in his silver Dondai Supremo. At 16, he was glad he left, but even though he kept in touch with all his friends and family, he missed them so much. Now at 18, he was finally making his way back home to say hello, and stay for a bit before deciding what to do next.

For now, though, he would take a small break and maybe get some coffee. That is why he is stopped in Empire City.

He pulled out his phone and checked his GPS app, making sure he was in the right place. He gave himself a small nod before pocketing the phone and stepping out into the brisk night air. Making sure his door was locked behind him as he walked into the small cafe. As he opened the door, he was almost surprised to see it actually open. It was 11 pm after all.

The glass door let out a small chime as he walked in, and he smiles when he was immediately greeted by the only barista working. He took notice of the 3 other people in the building. A couple sitting at a table, chatting with each other, their coffee's finished long ago. He also noticed a girl, sitting alone in a booth, gazing into her almost empty hot chocolate.

Getting out of his thoughts, he greeted the barista and quickly ordered a small coffee to go. He wouldn't be staying long after all. Steven rested his arms on the counter as he waited for his drink, glancing at the girl sitting alone every once in a while.

When his name was called he smiled once again and thanked the barista. He looked back at the booth the girl was sitting at, which was now empty. He shrugged mentally and turned to the girl, bumping into someone. Cold hot chocolate spilling on the both of them. Luckily though, his hot coffee didn't spill.

"I'm so sorry!" He quickly apologized, immediately being met with the most beautiful e/c eyes he's ever seen.

~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

You sat in your booth alone, gazing into your now cold hot chocolate in thought. You had been in the cafe for a good few hours now and were surprised that they hadn't kicked you out yet. You were bored with life, done all the things you've wanted to do. You had money, not needing to work as much as a regular person would have to. But, you yearned for something to do. Some adventure in your life.

You couldn't help but notice a fluffy-haired boy glancing at you every once in a while, standing at the counter waiting for a drink. You thought nothing of it, he was probably wondering why you were alone, in a cafe at 11 pm at night anyways.

When he turned to get his drink, you stood up, ready to leave and head back to your home, cold drink in hand ready to be thrown out. Once at the door, your drink extended towards the garbage, someone bumped into, spilling your cold drink on the both of you.

"I'm so sorry!" He was quick to apologize.

You waved your hands, laughing quietly. "Don't even worry about it, no harm done!" You reassured, picking up the empty cup off the floor and throwing it away. Thank the stars none of it got on the floor. Unfortunately, though, it was all over his and your shirt.

You took a second to take in his appearance. Bubblegum pink jacket that looks like he's had it for years, but well taken care of. Underneath, a simple black shirt as well as a pair of blue jeans and... flip flops? You looked up at him and noticed him staring at you, and you blushed slightly. "If I had a dime for every time that has happened to me, I would have two dimes. But the fact that it's happened twice still baffles me." You laughed, earning a chuckle from the boy.

"Well, sorry about that. Again. Sorry that your shirt is a mess." He smiled nervously.

"Aww geez, don't worry about it. I can always get a new shirt, but you should see yours." You grinned, as his shirt had taken most of the splash.

As the two of you began making your way outside, you noticed the rain that began falling from the darkened sky. "Don't worry about my shirt, I have a spare in my car anyways." He recalled.

"Oh, that's good." You smiled yet again, feeling the raindrops plop on your head, "Well, I should really get going, it was nice meeting you. Maybe you can spill coffee on me again!" You chuckled, beginning to walk away.

~~~~~Steven POV~~~~~

As he watched the girl walk away, he felt what seemed to be sadness in his heart. "Hold on! Why don't I give you a ride? I wouldn't want you walking in the rain with a mess on your shirt" He called out, looking amused.

The girl seemed to think about it for a second. "Hmm... Sure, why not? As long as you can promise me you're not gonna trap me in your basement and kill me." She winked.

Steven blushed, quick to laugh about it. "I promise, uh... What is your name?"

"Y/N" The girl, which he now knew as Y/N, smiled softly.

"Well Y/N, my name is Steven. Nice to spill hot chocolate on you!" He laughed, before motioning to his car as he unlocked the doors. "Hop in!"

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