Chapter Two

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After you gave your address to Steven you two were off. Making quiet chit chat about life as the lights from the streetlamps flashed in the dark car every couple meters. The rain seemed to come down harder, slamming on the roof of his car as you drove, the wipers on his car being one of the only noises besides the rain and the splashed you heard every so often.

As you guys drove down the almost empty street, aside from a few other cars, you leaned on the window, resting your head on it, watching the raindrops fall off the window. During the drive, you found out that Steven's full name is Steven Quartz Cutie Pie Diamond Universe, which you laughed at. Who needs so many middle names anyway? You also learned that he was half gem, and you thought that was just the coolest.

After Steven left Beach City, other gems followed in his tracks, moving away, but not that far from their home town. So, it wasn't uncommon that others didn't know about gem kind, but you had never met anyone half gem!

Likewise, you told Steven about your self. You grew up as an only child, getting all the attention from your parents and family, which Steven could relate too. Your parents were loaded, both writing music and performing around the country. Because of this, you never really needed to work, and they supported you any way they could, which you appreciated. But you wished you could have grown up like a 'normal' kid.

Anyways, after about twenty minutes of driving, the two of you finally arrived at your small but well-loved house. You slightly cringed at the Christmas lights that were still strung up, even though it was June, but it seemed Steven paid no mind to them.

"Well, thank you for the drive home. It must have been out of your way." You smiled softly, unbuckling yourself and opening the passenger door. You pulled your hood up before making a move to step out of the car when Steven grabbed your forearm, causing you to blush.

"Wait, let me walk you to your door," He stepped out of the car, summoning a beautiful pink shield from seemingly out of nowhere, making you gasp, looking at him with stars in your eyes. "Here," He grinned, holding the shield over the passenger door, allowing you to step out underneath it. "And don't worry about it, I don't really have anywhere to be right now anyway."

"That's so cool..." You whispered, earning a small chuckle from the curly-haired boy who was now standing (extremely) close you. Your shoulder bumping together as you two walked up the path to your front door. You two walked in silence, just the loud sound of rain above you and the splashes your shoes made in the small puddles forming below you.

Once underneath the roof of your home, Steven put away his shield and smiled, before turning to face you as you made a small noise. "What do you mean you have nowhere to be right now?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I would be heading back to Beach City right now. But with this rain coming down like this," He motioned behind him to the rain slamming on the ground."I'm just gonna head to a hotel or something and leave in the morning." The brunette shrugged.

"Oh geez, yeah. It wouldn't be safe for you on the highway right now would it." You laughed, jokingly. You recalled he had mentioned heading back to his home town on the drive to your place. "Hey, how about you just stay here? I mean you can stay in the spare bedroom, and it would give me peace of mind knowing you're not driving back into the city in this condition." You smiled, and his eyes lit up.

"Well I mean, if you insist Y/N," Which you gave a small nod at, "That sounds great."

You beamed as you unlocked your door, kicking off your shoes beside the door, and Steven followed. Steven took in the scent of the room, it smells like banana bread. His mouth watered at the smell, he hadn't eaten in a couple of hours, and the sound his stomach made agreed with that statement.

You heard the small noise and laughed to yourself, "There's banana bread on the counter," You pointed to your left, into the kitchen, "Go ahead and take some if you want. I'm gonna go change my shirt. Feel free to make yourself at home!" You grinned, heading up the stairs.

"Okay!" Steven called out as you turned a corner, before heading into your kitchen, looking around. He spotted the container of bread on your counter and grinned, lifting the lid and taking a piece. The moment he took a bite, he sighed in delight, "Oh my stars..." Finally, something to eat, and it was some dang good banana bread too.

Carrying the slice of banana bread with him, he made his way to your living room, taking in the decor of the place. It was simple, a few photos of your family scattered around on tables and shelves. A few potted plants that seem to be well taken care of, and some fairy lights strung up on the walls. He smiled to himself when he spotted a photo of you and what seemed to be your parents sitting on the table beside the couch. 'How cute..' He thought to himself, blushing. "Ahh," He sighed, placing one of his hands on his warm cheek, "c'mon Universe, get it together." He mumbled. This was some of the first human contact he's had in a while honestly, besides calling the gems and Connie.

Sure he had met up with Connie a few weeks ago, but it was a short lunch together before she had to go back to school. Even though how you two met was basically a mess, he was glad that he met someone new (and cute) to talk to.

He took a seat on the couch, finishing the rest of the banana bread he had when he heard you coming back down the stairs. "Hey, sorry I took a while, I was grabbing a few snacks for us." You beamed, holding a bag of chips in each hand. "Can I get you something to drink?" You stood at the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the railing.

"Uh yeah, can I get a water please?" Speaking of drink, Steven had left his coffee in the car. He mentally laughed about it, knowing he wouldn't bother to go grab it. It's probably cold at this point anyways.

"Sure, coming right up." You pushed yourself off the railing and headed to the kitchen. Steven could hear the fridge open, then close a few seconds later. You walked out of the kitchen with two bottles of water. "Here, catch." You tossed a bottle and a bag of chips at him, which he caught seamlessly, earning a small clap from you.

"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night." He laughed as he took in your appearance. You had changed into a pair of baggy sweats and a plain red T-shirt. Your h/l h/c hair pulled into a low ponytail. 'Gosh she's so cute' He thought to himself.

You walked over to the couch and plopped down on the other side, across for Steven. "Do you wanna watch something? Maybe a movie?" You questioned, glancing at the brunette beside you.

"Sure, a movie sounds nice." Steven smiled.

So, you two set up a random movie on Netflix to watch. You went ahead and turned off the lights, and turning on the fairy lights instead. Snacking on some chips. The sound of the rain outside was a nice background noise, aside from the sound of the TV. Steven couldn't help but glance at you every so often, the look of your face when you laughed at a funny part or frowned at a sad part. Your e/c eyes sparkling in the light of the TV, your cheek squished up against your hand that was resting on the arm of the couch. You looked like an angel, a comfy angel at that.

Steven trained his eyes back to the TV. He had no idea what was happening, but you seemed to be enjoying it so he didn't care. After a little while, he started to become tired. It was almost 1 am after all. He turned to you and noticed your eyes shut, head leaning more into your hand than it was before. The curly-haired boy smiled softly, as he leaned his back into the comfiness of the couch. He watched the movie for a bit longer before feeling his eyelids droop.

"Goodnight Y/N.." He mumbled before he let sleep take him to his dreams.

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