Chapter Five

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Once inside Beach City, you couldn't help but stare in awe at the scenery. Sure it was small, shouldn't even be considered a city, maybe a town if anything. But it was so charming. No matter where you were, you could at least observe some of the ocean. Steven smiled at your expression. But, he was equally admiring the scenery. It had been so long since he had been home and was glad nothing had changed while he was gone.

As they drove past the Big Donut, Steven thought to himself 'I'll have to bring Y/N with me there sometime', getting closer and closer to the beach. He took a left turn once he hit the sand and grinned when he began approaching the beach house, looking as ever, if not a little worn down after the years. Once at the house, he pulled to a stop and turned off the car.

"So this is the famous beach house huh?" You smiled and Steven nodded, the two of you unbuckling and hopping out of the car, hitting the sand below you with a gentle 'plop'. The ocean air smelled incredible, especially compared to the smoggy like air in Empire City. You took a deep breath, enjoying the salty breeze hitting your face and smiled wider. Noticing the woman shaped hill that half of the house rested inside. You'd have to inquire Steven about that later.

"Yep, here is where I spent like... All of my childhood." He laughed, pointing to the front door of the house, "Shall we head in?" He questioned. He didn't want to disturb your happiness, enjoying the beach already, but he also wanted to get inside and say hi.

"Oh, yeah. We shall." You giggled and followed Steven as he started walking towards the house and up the steps. He tried the door and found it unlocked, not surprised though. Once he opened the door, you took a look around the main room and so did he. Everything was still the same, as he suspected. The couch still across from the kitchen island, the warp pad still by the gems rooms.

Room! Steven wondered to himself if his dad was still living in his old room. His suspicions turned out true when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Wow Garnet, you guys are- Steven?!" Greg gasped before pulling Steven into a giant hug, causing the said boy to laugh.

"Haha, hey dad! I'm home!" He grinned, happy tears pricking at the corner of his eyes as he hugged his dad back tightly. You stood behind the two, not saying a peep. You wanted them to enjoy their reunion. Steven had told you so much about his dad. He clearly loves him so much.

"Oh my, Steven I've missed you so much! I have so many questions to ask you! The gems- Oh the gems! I need to call them right away! They'll wanna know your back!" Greg grinned after he let go of Steven, giving him a small pat on the shoulder. He had reached to pull out his phone before he noticed you looking around the room. "Oh, who is this Steven?"

Steven looked back at you and smiled, "This is Y/N, I met her last night." You gave Greg a small 'hello' waving your hand at him.

"Yeah, he spilt hot chocolate on me." You shrugged, laughing a bit as Steven rolled his eyes, smiling, nonetheless.

"I wanted her to meet you and the gems." You nodded at his comment, walking over to Greg and shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Universe. Steven has said so much about you. All good things, I promise. I can tell he really loves you!" You beamed, Steven blushed bashfully, hiding his face in his hands.

"Aww geez, just call me Greg. Mr. Universe makes me sound older than I actually am." He laughed, shaking your hand back. "Nice to meet you Y/N, Steven doesn't spill hot chocolate on just anyone."

"I haven't spilt hot chocolate on anyone besides her, dad.." He groaned, burying his face more into his hands. Greg laughed again, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"I'll call the gems, let them know you're here." Steven nodded and brought you over to the couch, sitting down beside you as you sat down. He listened to his dad talk excitedly on the phone, his back turned to you and Steven. Steven smiled softly. He was so happy to be home. He had so much to do, so many people to talk to. He wanted to show you around, take you places, introduce you to people.

After Greg called the gems, the three of you began talking. Greg filled Steven in on all the Beach City gossip that he had missed while he was gone. You enjoyed listening to their conversation, joining in when you could. You didn't mind being left out. You didn't really know anything about what they were talking about anyways. While they talked, you paid half attention to the conversation as you looked around the room. Specifically at the warp pad at the back of the room.

You looked at it with immense curiosity, wondering what in the world it was. What was the point of it? To you, it just looked like a big circular blue stone thingymajig. Those thoughts were immediately interrupted though when a blue light appeared from the warp pad. Suddenly, three figures appeared from the light. They must be the gems Steven talked about.

"Steven!!" They all shouted unanimously, running over to him. Well, two of them did. The taller one kinda just strode over, following behind the two. Steven barely had a chance to stand up before he was ambushed by the three of them, pulling him into a giant group hug, knocking him back onto the couch. You scooted over to give them some room.

"We're so glad you're back!" The one with a gem on her forehead sobbed into his shoulder.

"Yeah dude! It's been like, forever!" The purple one cried as she pulled away from the hug, rubbing her eyes.

"We missed you, Steven." The taller one stated a smile on her face.

"Aww, guys... I've missed you too. So much." His smile wobbled as he tried not to cry again. "There's someone I want to introduce to you though. This is Y/N." He gave the same spew he gave to his dad as you waved at the three of them.

"Y/N, this is Garnet." He motioned to the taller of the two. "Amethyst" He motioned to the smaller, purple one. Then motioned at the one with the gem on her forehead "And Pearl."

"Lovely to meet you all. Steven has talked about you guys so much!" You grinned, noticing Stevens bashful look once again. You rolled your eyes and punched his shoulder jokingly.

The gems sat on the couch around you guys as they began asking questions about Steven. Wanting to know about his trip, what he did, what he saw. Asking you some questions as well of course. The two of you happily answered them. Steven told them all about the trip, telling Garnet that he forgot to check his left rear tire before the dessert and ended up with a flat in the middle of nowhere. He laughed about it as Garnet sighed. Pearl and Amethyst laughed at his story.

The following couple of hours or so were completely filled with the family catching up after not seeing each other for so long. The gems, along with Greg told you stories about Steven when he was younger which made him embarrassed, but he laughed about them, nonetheless. In return, you told embarrassing stories about your childhood, at least, the ones you remembered or the ones your parents told you.

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