to be here

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Im writing this on my last night here with you
Not forever but for a little bit
I'm writing while I stare at every detail of your face
Trying to memorize everything
Not only how you look
But it's hard to memorize a feeling
Its something I don't want to lose
I don't wanna forget what it feels like to lie next to you
I was just getting used to a routine
I turn over and I see your face
Its there
And after tonight it'll be hundreds of miles away from mine
How can we go from no space between us
Or even millimeters apart to miles and miles of desire
I belong here
Not in this state
Not even in this room probably
But with you
Wherever you choose to go
I know it won't be forever but you bet your ass it's gonna feel like it
The love we've created
It's something I can never describe nor compare but it is something above all else
This time I spent were the best days of my life
The moments of passion and ecstasy
The moments of pain and sadness
But overall
You've made me happy
I can genuinely say I'm happy my love
I don't know how I've not spent every day next to you
It sure feels like I've spent your life with you up to this point
Its crazy how comfortable I am
I'm sad to say but everyday I feel a looming uncertainty
I don't know how you do it
But when I'm with you that looming darkness clears and suddenly it changes to pure bliss and love and caring
You were right
You nurture
You've kept up with every emotion I could throw at you and handled me with so much ease
How do you make me fall apart and put me together with those same hands
I've never felt more love than right here next to you
Your arms are a home I never want to leave
But my darling I must go
For now I'll lay here
And stare at your beautiful face till the sun rises
Touch your skin and keep your warmth
Trace every inch of you not wanting to leave anything untouched
Making sure every inch feels my love
I don't want you to forget
Please come to me soon
For I will be waiting
Till you're back home
Till I'm back home
I love you so fucking much
We'll be there soon mi amor
For now please rest
For this is a time we'll look back on and laugh
Because at some point I'll never have to say a goodbye as emotional as this one

With you always mamas

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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