endless sea

18 1 0

I miss talking to you sometimes
Some days you cross my mind and others you don't
I think back to the countless hours I gave you
A big part of my life
A part of my heart
And a look at my soul
You're not a bad person
And things didn't end because of anything bad
I never had a reason to hate you which makes it hard to completely forget
Not that I'd ever want to
But those days when you do pop in my mind its really hard to get you out
You like to linger
I don't mind sometimes
Others it's just frustrating
Even though I wear a reminder of you daily
Yup I still have it
Its pretty
Wonder if you still have the things I've given you
Thomas is still on my blackboard
I think he misses you a bit too
The little songs he'd overhear
I bet he misses talking to you too
But we'll keep going on with our days even if you keep your distance
I wouldn't mind if you creeped a little closer though
Maybe one day friend

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