oh yikes

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I want to feel wanted again
I wish someone wanted me
I mean I could make it on my own
That's no problem
And I don't want to seem the type to always need someone
Its not really like that
I would just prefer to be with someone
I like to share connections
I like to share things that trouble me
I like to know intimate details
I like to build trust
It scares me that I so easily give my heart away to people that won't care if they hold it or not
Its simple things that I miss you know
I like to laugh at a stupid joke on the phone
Smiling when I hear the person's voice echo through
I like seeing their name pop up on my screen first thing in the morning and being the last thing on my mind at night
I miss just being a flirt and making someone flustered
I just miss feeling important
Feeling like I mean something to someone
Feeling like I'm making them happy and doing some good for them in their lives
I miss kissing and random touches and anticipation of someone's next move
I'm so fucking touch starved
I just want to feel wanted

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