Chapter 1: Her

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A/N: HEY GUYS!! IM BACK! told you i would be! here is chapter one 


Tiana’s House ATLANTA

“So, what kind of party is it? house party? What?” Mila shouted to Tiana as she done her lipstick in Tiana’s bathroom mirror. “It’s a proper posh event, not a silly party, there is going to be proper business men there, You might find your future husband tonight” Tiana replied strapping up her shoes.

“Yeah, I don’t know about that, you know I have terrible luck with men. The last guy I got with ended up snogging his ex right in front of my eyes”

“Yes, but tonight is not about him, tonight is about the new and improved, self employed Mila 2.0. My best, top of the line and most precious creation” Tiana laughed. “Okay, tonight is about Mila 2.0, Cheers to that” Mila said raising up her glass and Tiana raised her glass.

The girls listened to music whilst getting ready for the night. Mila’s writing career was finally making a significant stand and after all the traveling she had done, she was happy to be back in Atlanta with the girls celebrating. Although Sasha was back in France, so it would be just Tiana, Alana and Mila.

“Girl, where is Alana? She always late and we da black ones” Tiana said. “I don’t know where that girl is? I’m going to call her” Mila said picking up her phone to call Alana. Just as she did, Alana burst in the door.

“I am here, I’m here” She said running in, with heels on and her work bag slung over her shoulder. She wore a figure hugging velvet red dress, which was backless with small red heels. “Girl, you look good, but where the hell you been?” Tiana said getting a good look at her.

“Sorry, I finished work late. You look beautiful too” Alana replied kissing her on her cheek. Tiana wore an elegant black maxi dress which had slits in the sides, with gold accessories.

“Right, girlies, we should probably go soon, its already 8” Mila said “Yes, lets go, You guys are going to love the guys at this event, trust me it’s a new league to the type of events we have been going to. These guys are the big boys. The one’s you wanna bring home to yo momma.” Tiana replied.

The trio left Tiana’s house and headed to the event. The building was a high rise, official, fancy building and Mila didn’t know if they would get in but sure enough they went to the front desk and got escorted to a huge open room on the ground floor with a bar and a few tables. Mila felt really out of place.

“T, I don’t know about this, these people look very smart, are you sure?” She asked Tiana. “Yes, Just relax and talk to someone. Mingle a bit my dear, Mingle” Tiana said walking of and starting a conversation with a random stranger. Mila just looked at Alana and laughed.

Luca’s POV

Luca sat at the bar drinking alone. He hadn’t really wanted to come to this event and being here was worst then he had first thought. Yet he stayed for the drinks. Tonight, Utaly was going to announce that he was handing some of his property over to REED ent and that Luca would now own the building. This prospect didn’t make Luca feel any better about being there.

The last six months had been shit. He felt like his whole world had stopped without her. He couldn’t even say her name. Once he got it into his head he wasn’t allowed to say her name, he somewhat felt he was finally getting over it. Luca had let himself go. His hair had grown, his beard was untamed and he put no effort into dressing up. He missed her… bad.

Luca felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. “what you doing sitting here alone? Look at all the pretty ladies and you sit here alone, drinking like a fool?” Marcus said laughing at Luca.“I would rather drink alone than talk to any of those ‘pretty ladies’” Luca said mimicking marcus’s Italian accent.

“Look, I sell you my property, I want to know its going into good hands, I want to see what future it has, right now all I see is an empty building, just you drinking alone right in this seat”

“Maybe that is the future of this building. I’m paying you 50 Million for it. if I want to use it as a place where I can drown my sorrows, that’s exactly what it will be. You have already signed the contract. So go enjoy your last night here being owner” Luca said swigging back his whiskey.

“You know, when I first started this deal with you, you sounded like you had a bright future, a smart beautiful girl on your arm and dreams. Now they are all gone, maybe you should get that smart beautiful girl back” Marcus said  “Yeah, if only she would answer my calls.” Luca laughed.

“Maybe you should just go up to her and talk to her?” Marcus replied “Yeah and how would I do that?” Luca asked.

“She’s right over there, she just entered with her friends” Marcus said standing up and walking away. Luca shot up and put down his glass. He stood up and scanned the room and there she was.. she…her…Mila.

You are mine and mine only (Controlling her series: book 2)Where stories live. Discover now