May 9, 2328

27 1 0

Aleah couldn't believe that all thirty-five Selected were to be chosen within a week's time, just seven days, and yet that was how it went. That week seemed to fly by faster than she wanted to admit, but Friday came just like it always did.

Luckily, it had been a busy week. She had to finish two orders: a cocktail dress made out of a blue patterned velvet fabric needed by Wednesday and some alterations on a skirt she had made last week. Aleah didn't want to take any orders that she couldn't complete this week, knowing that if there was a chance of her being drawn this Friday she couldn't complete them, but she knew that that would mean less money coming in this week and that she would have to deal with that.

The more she thought about the Selection, the more nervous she became. Yes, she had decided to go through with it no matter what, but what if this was an absolute disaster? Aleah knew what would be expected of her there, but could she really do it? Could she handle the flashing lights and interviews, the attention of the entire country?

She needed to figure that out, and quick.

That night was... normal, as normal as it could be for the circumstances. Aleah helped her mother make dinner as her sister played in the living room. The three of them ate together, Olivia insisting on talking about the fact that her older sister "could be a princess tomorrow", to which Aleah explained that she wouldn't be a princess even if she would be living in the castle for who knew how long. Life continued even with the possibility of change.

The Illéa Capital Report. This was it.

Although Waverly was 31st out of the 35 provinces, the wait didn't help with her anxiety. Aleah couldn't sit still, pacing back and forth was the names started to be called by the prince. With each name came their information: their picture, name, province, and caste displayed on the screen. Every girl was beautiful, whether they wanted to be shown that way or looked so naturally. God, how much longer?

The next selected from Panama is...

The next selected from Sonage...

... from Sota...

... from St. George...

... Sumner...

... Tammins...

"And now, for the next selected from Waverly..."

Aleah paused her frantic pacing, looking at the screen as she leaned on the couch. Gavril Fadaye, the host of the Report, looked intently at the prince as he picked up an application. The two were wearing sharp black suits which made them stand out against the bleak gray background that dawned the Illéan emblem, an ornate gold crown encircled in shimmering fabric. They looked so... calm? This was so important, how were they still smiling as if this was going to change lives?

This dramatic pause was going to drive her insane. She couldn't wait another second, her breathing stopping as she was full of anticipation. But then she saw something, seconds before the name was called, before everything changed...

The prince smiled at the file in his hands. What...?

"Aleah Conway, Six."

She couldn't believe her eyes as her picture and information flashed across the screen. It was like time stopped, everything going into slow motion. Her mom pulled her close, a big grin on her face as she told her how proud she was. Olivia squealed and danced around the living room. People started to call their house, wanting to congratulate her. Neighbors came over wanting to celebrate with them. Everyone was excited for her, telling her she would be great, that she would go far in the competition. That they could see her marrying the prince one day, becoming the queen.

And yet, with all this happiness surrounding her, Aleah couldn't help but remain frozen, numb to everything that was going on. It just didn't hit her yet, the effects of being Selected.

It didn't seem real.

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