May 19, 2328, 9 am

19 0 0

Aleah was honestly more nervous about breakfast the next morning than she was meeting the prince, especially since she would be with all of the Selected. Since they took them in as groups before, it would be the first time that she would be around all of them, which was absolutely terrible. She hated being around large groups of people, especially since the royal family was in this group, so there was even more pressure.

Aleah wanted to blend in as much as she could, knowing that she would already be a point of interest, but she wouldn't let her appearance help with that. That morning, she straightened her hair and curled it like many of the girls did. She wore a purple dress that looked similar to two other selected, and she did her makeup just a little heavier. She didn't know how much Elliot would like this, but she just didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb.

When Aleah saw the prince walk into breakfast with his sisters, she smiled and gave him a small wave before waiting for breakfast to be served. She was absolutely starving and the food looked so good. So much better than it did at home, whenever they could get something like this, which was very rare.

When they were finally allowed to eat, Aleah got a little too excited to taste, well, everything if she was allowed to. The Five sitting next to her understood her joy, the two bonding slightly as she reached for a croissant with one of the tongs provided.

But she had been distracted.

When coming back with the tongs, Aleah hit her teacup, spilling hot tea all over the table and herself

Now, any other selected might have laughed it off while cleaning it up with their napkin, but not Aleah. She was traumatized, feeling incredibly embarrassed even if was something so small and insignificant.

Before anyone could say anything, she quickly excused herself from the table, running off to the garden.

Not realizing what had happened until gasps filled the somewhat quiet room, Elliot watched as a girl ran out of the room, taking a few more moments to realize that it was Aleah. He didn't know what exactly had happened but quickly excused himself so that he could go figure it out. He was worried, knowing that she was sensitive and still somewhat uncomfortable when it came to all of this.

As he neared the gardens, he watched as Aleah flung herself onto a bench. He rushed over to her side and took one of her hands in his.

"Aleah! What happened?" He whispered anxiously. "Did one of the girls say something?" He understood that many of the girls could be hard on her and the other lower castes because of their status. He hadn't heard of any incidents yet, but he was sure that they would happen soon.

And then he noticed her dripping gown and the puddle next to her.

"Oh, Aleah! Did you spill something? Your dress is all wet." He said gently, concerned.

Her entire body trembling as he grew close. For some reason, she was frightened by his presence, shying away. Aleah felt so embarrassed, knowing she had just made a fool of herself for running off, and spilling her tea. She just didn't want to be the center of attention and yet here she was, bringing the spotlight to herself.

Maybe this was too much? Maybe she should just bow out before she was sent home?

When he asked her questions, her whole body shook as she sobbed. "I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to spill. I-I was just so excited... W-We don't get food like this at home... I-I promise I'll clean everything up.... s-since I know that was really expensive fabric... J-Just please don't fire-... Please don't send me home..."

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