May 16, 2328

27 0 1

Two representatives of the Royal family came to the house to explain the rules of the Selection. Although they were intimidating, they helped make all of this real, their presence only confirming that this was actually happening. No going back now.

They had Aleah sign paperwork stating that she understood the rules as well as accepted the task that was the Selection. It didn't seem too hard, the rules being simple enough. She wasn't going to get into any trouble nor was she planning on it, so everything was straightforward.

"The Selected must be presentable at all times, unless told otherwise. This includes hair and makeup being done, wearing the dresses designed for them as well as high heels.

The Selected must not go into unauthorized areas without permission. These areas are as such: the Royal family's sleeping quarters, the gardens, the kitchens, the laundry rooms or other basement areas, and the guard's quarters. Any Selected to go into such places without permission will be eliminated.

In no way are the Selected allowed to have sexual relations with the guards or castle staff. Doing so will result in elimination and loss of current caste. Those convicted of such actions will be punished and forced to become Eights.

The Selected are in no way allowed to decline the prince.

The Selected must participate in all events, if still in the competition, and be present at every Capital Report.

Breaking any of these may result in elimination unless stated otherwise."

After everything was settled, they handed her her plane tickets and flight schedules before leaving her to go pack. All Selected would be flying out tomorrow morning after saying goodbye to their families and provinces. Each province was to hold a send-off celebration in the capital, it was tradition. From there, the newly selected Daughters of Illéa would head to the airport, possibly meet some fans, and then be off to the castle for however long they could make it. Selections were always unpredictable, they could be anywhere from a few weeks to months, so who knew how long it would be until they came back home.

That night, Aleah made sure she spent as much time with her mother and sister as she possibly could. She knew she would miss them terribly, so why not make some more good memories to think about when she was homesick?

It started off with a special dinner. Her mother insisted on it, saying that Aleah deserved one last homemade meal before she got spoiled at the castle. They all were sure that the food served at the castle would be the highest quality, but she doubted it would ever top her mother's cooking. That night, it was beef stew. Perfect for the cold weather they were experiencing even in May, it was full of potatoes and carrots that swam in a rich and luxurious broth. Served with fresh bread from the bakery, it was almost heavenly. There would not be leftovers.

Afterward, Olivia insisted on making cookies. It was almost a staple in their house, chocolate chip cookies from scratch. The recipe was a go-to whenever there was a rainy day or someone sick in the neighborhood, plus the sisters loved to bake.

It was pretty simple: sugar, butter, flour, the key to almost all baked goods. Vanilla and salt to balance out the rich and bitter taste of the chocolate. Baking soda and powder to help them rise as well as bake evenly. And two eggs for luck as her dad would always say.

Aleah mixed everything together, keeping wet and dry separate until the two needed to combine. As she mixed the dough together, Olivia chopped up the chocolate into pieces, large chunks that would melt beautifully. She dumped them into the bowl for her sister to fold into the mixture and then, once the chocolate was distributed evenly, the two sisters scooped out little balls and placed them on a baking sheet.

The two patiently waited after Aleah put the cookies in the oven, sitting on the counter. Leaning her head on her older sister's shoulder, Olivia spoke up. "Birdie," she said softly. Her father always had a rule in the kitchen: address everyone by their nicknames only. It was silly, but it made things more fun and so she passed it on to her younger sister. "How long will you be at the castle?"

Holding her sister closer, she thought about it. "I don't really know Livie. I might be there for a long time, or things might not work out and I'll be home in a couple of weeks. But I promise you, I'll try my hardest to win, just so that you can go to the castle and be a real-life princess okay?"
Aleah was going to try her best to keep her promise to Olivia, but she knew there would be no guarantees.

That night as she packed her bags, she couldn't help but wonder what the next few months would have in store. Even if she didn't win the Selection, most Selected ended up engaged and married shortly after. Being a Three due to the competition, she would be able to help her mother pay the bills and get Olivia into a good school. Life would be easier for them if she didn't make it far, but what if she did?

What if she ended up marrying the prince? Would she be able to handle that? Could he really fall in love with someone like her, a Six?

Aleah decided to get some rest, knowing how long her day would be tomorrow. She wouldn't want to be exhausted in front of all those people plus no one ever slept well on planes, or so she had heard. Closing her eyes, she let her thoughts linger for just a moment.

Life was about to change so drastically, but she knew it was for the better.

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