A Happy Ending?

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As Aleah rode to the airport, she couldn't help but watch as the castle slowly disappeared from sight. She was mad at herself, for letting this be her ending, but she wasn't going to admit to lies they were not her own.

His brow furrowed in confusion as he finished looking at the design. He just couldn't seem to believe that Penny had lied to him. But then, he also hadn't been able to believe that Aleah had sabotaged Penny's dress. This entire Selection was getting more and more complicated.

Rushing down to the main doors, he sped to a stop as the guards looked toward him curiously.

"Lady Aleah, has she left yet?"

His heart was racing as he waited for the answer, and at the guard's words, he stood there crestfallen.

"You can still catch her if you go fast, Your Majesty."

He was out the door before the guard had even finished speaking.

He sprinted towards her, running as fast as he could, and stopped as she approached the plane, dragging her bags behind her.

"Aleah!" he called. Hopefully, it wasn't too late.

She looked back at him once he called her name, confused as to why he was there, why he looked so disheveled.

"Can I help you, Your Majesty? If you haven't noticed, I have a flight to catch. My mother and sister are expecting me, I've already called to tell them that I'll be home by this evening."

She was emotionless, her eyes showing nothing though some anger started to rise within her.

Why was he here after he had such a fit on her last night? After he sent her away saying he didn't want to marry a liar and a cheat? Shouldn't he be back at the castle, living his happily ever after with Peyton? Isn't that what he wanted?

He cringed at her words, upset that they were directed at him. He knew he deserved them, but still. He just wished that maybe there was some part of her that felt the same way about him that he felt about her.

"Aleah, I'm sorry. I never should have yelled at you like that. I was just so... "

He trailed off. He didn't even know how to explain what he had done if Aleah would even listen to what he had to say.

"You were what Elliot?" She said, keeping herself calm though she was sure that her words hurt like daggers. "That you finally understood how the other girls were treating me back in the castle? That you just realized that the castle is no place for a seamstress, for a Six?" She choked back tears but shook her head. He didn't deserve it, and she didn't deserve the torment she got from everyone and the media. If he was like them then she was certainly done.

"Aleah! That's not what I'm saying at all! I don't think of you that way. Please, you have to trust me. There is no way I would ever say or think something like that. I'm not done with you, Aleah. I want you to come back to the palace with me. I know it's going to be hard, but I know you're strong enough to do it. I like you Aleah, a lot, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what could have happened with you when you can come back and neither of us will ever have to wonder. Please."

He hated the desperation that crept into his voice, but he knew that he would do anything if Aleah would just come back to the palace.

She took a moment to just breathe, to just believe in his words even if it was only for a second.

Aleah turned around, meeting his gaze.

"Give me one reason, one good reason as to why I should go back to the castle and keep fighting?"

She was so mad at him right now, but there was always an opportunity for a second chance, another try to show her that he was in this too, that she wasn't in this fight alone.

He clenched his hands into fists, not in anger or sadness, but in nervousness for what he was about to say. He had dreamed of saying it as long as he could remember; knowing that one day, there would be a girl he would tell this too.

Slowly, he raised his eyes to meet hers far above him. She just needed to hear his one answer and she would come down from the platform and back to the palace.

"I-I love you, Aleah."

The words left his mouth before he could even think about what he was saying, but he was glad he had said them because he was more sure about those words than anything he had ever said. He knew it was sudden and unexpected, and that he had only known her for a little while, but he wanted her to hear the words.

He could only hope that she would feel the same way.

She softened at those four words, all of her anger melting away. Aleah knew that she couldn't stay mad at him any longer. She ran down from the platform, past the guards holding her things and into his arms. They felt like home, like peace. Like this was where she belonged.

"I'll come back." She said softly into his chest. "I'll come back, but you need to understand that all the girls and most of the country is against me, wants to see me lose and get my heart broken. But that won't stop me. I'll keep fighting as long as you fight too. I'll always fight for you."

End of Book One

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