Smosh and Order pt. 2 (Damien)

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It's a long one, prepare yourselves

Y/N's PoV
Today is my court day with Damien. The last few days he hasn't said much to me. Probably trying to get into character. I look over at Shayne in his Courtney Freakin Miller wig and laugh. "You ready?" I ask my lawyer. They had me dress Shayne how I would when going to a rock concert so, I put him in a pair of my fishnets and my Rob Zombie tour tee. The only stuff of his he gets to wear are his skinny jeans (that I got to rip) his Doc Martens, and ofc his underwear. He didn't fit in anything else of mine. I find it absolutely hilarious. Especially cause I get to match him for the most part. We have matching Doc Martens and fishnets.

"Yeah, I think Courtney is representing Damien too so this is gonna be hilarious." For some reason Shayne being my friend makes Damien jealous so, let's hope Damien doesn't pout. We didn't prepare a script for this we're just winging it. We walk in to see Ian, Wes, Joven, and a couple other Smosh employees as the jury. I know Olivia is the judge today, and Lasercorn is an officer. Boze and Noah will be questioned today. Everyone laughs when they see Shayne, or well, Courtney FREAKIN Miller.

"Well, Courtney, we didn't expect to see you today." Ian says to Shayne. "I didn't know you were a lawyer." He adds.

"Yeah I'm the best." Is all Shayne says as we sit down.

"All rise for Judge Omathia!" David says and opens the door for Olivia. Damien and Courtney still aren't here. Olivia sits down.

"You may be seated." We all sit back down. As we sit, the doors open. Damien is walking by himself this time and he looks ready to win. I see a flash of anger when he sees Shayne next to me. Courtney gasps.

"Are you kidding me?" She asks. Shayne and Courtney have a mini staring contest.

"We are defineitly gonna win now." Shayne whispers in my ear. "She will not beat.." he pauses before screaming. "COURTNEY FREAKING MILLER!!!" I try not to laugh but the jury does.

"Ms. Freakin Miller! We do not yell in my courtroom." Olivia scolds him. Shayne nods and sits back down. Olivia brings the gavel down a couple of times. "Order in the court! Order!" Everyone quiets down. "ok, let's begin. We are here today because Miss Y/L/N did not give her boyfriend, Damien Haas, a fist bump." Olivia explains. "Begin." I watch as Courtney stands up.

"Well, your honor, my client has been rejected by his own girlfriend and it broke his heart." Courtney begins, but as she's about to say something else, Shayne flies outta his seat.

"Well, my client and I know that that is NOT factual! Y/N DID NOTHING WRONG! She walked back to her seat while looking at the floor! What is wrong with that?" Shayne asks. "I would like to call another one of the people to not see Damien's fist. Noah Grossman, GET THE FUCK UP HERE!"

"Ms. Freakin Miller, I told you not to scream in my courtroom." Olivia reminds Shayne.

"I'm trying to win a case not watch my volume!" Shayne sassily says. Damien is just staring at me and pouting. Noah walks over and sits, Lasercorn setting the xbox in front of him.

"do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help your white ass." Lasercorn asks.

"I do." Noah responds. Courtney freakin Miller walks up and slams two hands in front of Noah.

"So, Noah Gross Man." Shayne starts.

"uh actually, it's Grossman like all together you know." Noah tries to correct him.

"SILENCE." Shayne says. "I have a question for you. Do you know that blonde and her client?" Shayne asks.

"yes, her client tried to get me arrested for not touching him." Noah responds.

"So you're saying he was trying to cheat on his girlfriend!" Shayne yells. Damien seems to roll his eyes at Shayne. Oh boy.

"Courtney Freakin Miller, I think that is enough." Olivia says, motioning for Shayne to sit back down. "Miss Miller, would you like to cross examine?"

"Yes I would your honor." Courtney says as she walks up to question Noah. I lean over to whisper to Shayne, seeing Damien tense up at the action.

"I think I know a way to win." I tell him.

"What is it?" Shayne asks, putting an arm around me.

"Make Damien jealous. The only time he seems to resent you is when you're around me." I tell Shayne, earning a nod.

"Ok, good idea." Shayne jumps up and points at Courtney. "She lies!" Is all he says.

"What how? I asked him why he avoided the fist bump." Courtney reasons.

"Because we all know he DID NOT avoid a fist bump." Shayne yells. "Get off there and get Boze Bozington up here NOW!!" Shayne yells at someone and Boze gets up. Shayne sits back with me and throws his arm around my shoulder.

"thank you Courtney Freakin Miller." I say loud enough that Damien can hear. I see him talking to Courtney as Boze get's sworn in.

~~~~15 minutes later~~~~

The jury has just gone back to come to a decision. Shayne and I were talking while Damien was giving me a death stare. There's gonna be an argument between us after this isn't there. "Ok the jury has came to a decision!!" Olivia yells and slams the gavel down. "Ian, what has the jury decided?" Olivia asks.

"We have decided that Miss Y/L/N is not guilty and Damien Haas is just a little bitch." Ian says. "mostly because Courtney Freakin Miller scares us." He adds. I knew I picked a good lawyer. I smile and nod at Shayne, knowing what he was about to do. He pulls his shirt off and is in a tanktop that says COURTNEY FREAKIN MILLER RULES!!!! He jumps out of his seat.

"FUCK YEAH!!!!! COURTNEY MF FUCKING MILLER!!!!" He yells, everyone starting to laugh. Damien walks over to me right away.

"Y/N what was that?" My boyfriend asks.

"What?" I responded.

"That whole Shayne shit. You know I don't like how close you are to him." Damien tells me, everyone obviously watching.

"The hell do you mean? Courtney Freakin Miller was with me. Not Shayne." Everyone laughs but shuts up when they realize Damien is serious.

"Come on, we're going home." He says, grabbing my hand. I turn to look at everyone and wave.

"See ya tomorrow. If I make it out alive." I tell them as we head out to Dam's car. "Damien." I say but no response. I sit in the car and try again. "Damien Haas." No response. "DAMIEN JUST FUCKING ANSWER ME GOD DAMN!!!" I yell, he turns to look at me, but, still no response. We get on the road and I put my earbuds in, not even acknowledging my boyfriend. When we get home, both of us slam the car doors and stomp inside. Before I can head to the kitchen, Damien grabs my arm and I'm pinned against the door. "You gonna talk now?" I ask.

"Yeah, why were you and Shayne getting all up close and personal." he doesn't even really ask it's more of a demand.

"Damien, he had his arm around the back of the chair a few times and we whispered to each other so you wouldn't hear. I'm not cheating on you and I never will, especially with your best friend. I hope you know that." I put a hand on the side of Damien's face and he leans into the touch. "I love you and only you." I add on.

"I love you too babe..."

Damien Haas//Shayne Topp  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now