One, Casey

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Then - 3 Years Ago


"Eyes on target. Two klicks North East from one's position" Came quietly through my earpiece from Wyatt.

"Two copy." Deegan came through next.

"Am I taking him out?" I steadily said back to my teammates.

"Hold fire four." I kept my steady breaths, listening to Dane come through my ear. "Once civilians are free fair game."

"Looks like they have six hostages from my point." Wyatt came through.

"Heat shows six civilians plus four hostiles with target." Ehren stated from the van over four miles away from us.

"Trigger fingers getting itchy here one. Civilians look free." I said again. I just wanted to get this OP over with and get home to my pregnant wife. She's 26 weeks pregnant and already it has been terrifying with all the issues that have been going on with our twin little guys.

My wife, Andrea, and I have been together since we were 19. We met my second year in the Navy, when the guys and I went off base for a meal at a local bar, and she was just there with her friends. The most beautiful angel I had ever seen in my entire life.

Things progressed with us and by the time we were 23 we got married. My family loved her, her family never knew her or cared to know her which made a very small wedding possible for us.

After several miscarriages, over about a two-year span, we finally ended up getting pregnant, with twins. About six weeks ago though, we got hit with a metaphorical bomb when the twins were diagnosed with TTTS.

If you've never heard of TTTS its terrifying. Basically its short for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, and to put it short, or try to at least, it's when the blood vessel connections in the placenta are distributing blood unevenly causing one twin, the donor for lack of a better term, to pump blood to the other twin, the recipient, causing the recipient to receive too much blood and the donor to receive too little. Scary as fuck, right?

This shit only happens in like 10-15% of twins.

Once we get done this OP and get to go back home, I can go back to taking care of my wife so she's off her feet all day instead of just most of the day. Next week we even have to go in for a fetoscopic laser ablation, yea more big words. Basically, they're going to go in and disconnect the blood vessel enemies in her placenta.

Needless to say, I'm on obvious edge about getting back home as quickly as possible.

"Hold fire four, they're still not out of the way enough." Dane brought me back to reality.

"Copy" I answered back.

These guys were my brothers. Dane, Deegan, Wyatt, and Ehren. We've been on the same SEAL team for the past few months, and training together to become something more, something bigger. I knew these four other guys better than I knew myself.

"Civilians are clear, just put into a shipping container." Ehren said the magic words.

"On three, there are five of them and four of us." Dane came through. We already knew which hostile we were to be taking out, saving the big guy for last. The count came quick and my sniper cracked the exact same time as the other three. Quickly I went for the big guy and heard another crack coming from my left. "All clear, let's get those civilians and go home. Be on high alert. Two stay high, keep the scene clear for us."

"Copy." Deegan said.

I jumped up and hooked my custom M107 around my back grabbing my custom M4A1, heading down the hill to meet with the guys and clear the scene.

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