Seventeen, Casey

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My heart has been in my throat since I picked Logan up from this place, and it's been less than 2 hours and we're back. My mom went down to get us some coffee. They wanted to keep Carson overnight just to monitor him and make sure his fever didn't come back. I honestly don't think I've been so terrified in my entire life. Front line, being shot at, held at gun point...nothing compares to your kid having something traumatic happen to them. Plus side, is that he doesn't remember any of it. He's currently on my chest sprawled out face down as I hum and sing along to some soft music coming from my phone next to us on the hospital bed.

I looked up and caught Logan in the doorway watching us and couldn't help but smile. I waved her to come over and thankfully she did. The shit that happened between us earlier will definitely have to be talked about but right now I hope she can understand this is where I'm supposed to be.

"It's the only way he'll fall asleep when I'm around." I shrugged my shoulders lightly. "He is a heavy fucking sleeper though." I let out a small laugh and watched the smile on her face grow a little more.

"Well it is obvious he loves his daddy." I smiled at her.

"Come here." I slid over on the bed and motioned for her to lay down on me. Thankfully she did, I honestly wasn't sure if she would. She rested her head in the crook of my arm and gently put her hand on Carson's back. I lightly kissed her head. "Thank you for today, just all of it. I honestly wouldn't have known what to do if you weren't here."

"Well you totally would have yelled at everybody, more than once." She laughed, I nodded agreeing and laughed also.

"I know we need to talk; this is where I need to be though."

"Casey, I would never come between you and your son, ever, and I think that you and I just need some space, to take a step back from whatever it was we were doing for a while." I nodded. It hurt. This is what I was afraid of.

"What if I don't want that to happen?"

"Do you honestly think after that fight we had right before rushing to the hospital can be pushed aside by both of us to see whatever."

"I think that we need to talk about it and shouldn't just forget about it." She sat up and looked me at me.

"I'm not saying forget about it, but I am saying that I need to make sure that this is the right thing for all of us. It's bad enough you and I hurt one another earlier, I couldn't live with myself if for some reason he got hurt through all of this." She pointed down to Carson and slid off the bed. "I just need time." I nodded. I couldn't get into this with a sleeping three-year-old on my chest. "I'm going to go." I nodded again.

"I'll be here whenever you are ready."


"Logan..." We didn't get to say anything else because my mom walked in.

"Okay, that line was ridiculous for being so late at night." She looked up and smile at the two of us. "I can come back." Logan smiled sweetly at her.

"No, its fine, I just came in to say goodbye. I'll stop by and see how he's doing in the morning while I'm working."

"Okay, thank you so much again Logan." My mom hugged her, and I watched her soften at the contact. When they broke apart Logan flashed me a stiff smile before walking out the door.

"Well that seemed tense, she seems amazing." I looked over at my mom.

"We're over." I said slowly.

"Excuse me?" My mom eyes about fell out of her head. I just gave her a small nod. "Why?" Greg walked in and sat down, obviously hearing the short conversation from outside the door. I sighed.

"I didn't tell her about Carson." I looked up at the ceiling. "Or the fact that I was married."

"How long were the two of you together?" Greg asked sipping his coffee.

"I don't know like two almost three months maybe more?"

"How did you keep Carson from her for that long? I understand not talking about being a widow but." Greg said and stopped when my mom lightly smacked his shoulder.

"I just didn't tell her about him. Most nights I had to stay at Kayle's apartment, and then we'd be at the bar, she never came to Wyatt's for stuff we were all there for. I mean it honestly wasn't that hard. The hardest part was when her best friend found out and I begged her not to tell Logan, because I knew I was the one that needed to then just other stuff came up." My mom smacked the side of my head. "Ouch."

"Boy we didn't raise you to deceive anyone."

"I wasn't intentionally deceiving her!" Carson stirred a little at the raise of my voice.

"SHH!" My mom whispered. I threw my head back and rolled my eyes. "I will smack you so hard your eyes won't be able to roll ever again." There was a soft knock on the door and we all looked over at it waiting for it to open. It was my sister Carly and honestly, I was never so happy to see someone.

"Hey." She whispered. "Mom called me, since someone couldn't bother."

"I was a little busy Carly." I smiled and she walked over to hug me and kiss Carson's head.

"I'm crashing at your place." I nodded my head. "For a few days, so I know the little man is good." I nodded again, and the previous conversation was forgotten. The rest of the night before they left my parents brought Carly up to speed on the Logan situation.

I slept with Carson on my chest all night, and when I woke up our discharge papers were ready by the time the doctors did their rounds. Logan didn't come in till later and I knew we were going to miss her. I loaded Carson up in the Durango and my mom took him back home, I followed in the truck. 

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