Nineteen, Casey

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I woke up groaning and feeling like shit. My head felt like it was going to implode, everything was too fucking bright. I forced myself to sit up realizing I had no idea what the hell happened yesterday. The whole day was basically a complete blur. I honestly can't remember much in the past few days. Since Logan...I ran my hand down my face and through my beard before standing and stabling myself before taking a few steps.

"Where the fuck?" I looked around, I wasn't at home, and I couldn't find my clothes. This is fantastic. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Thank fuck." I was at Wyatt's and heard him and Kayle downstairs talking.

"Hey sleeping beauty how you feeling?" Kayle asked once I made it in the kitchen. I didn't give her an answer just grunted.

"Need food?" Wyatt asked.

"Probably just alcohol." I answered before sitting down at the island next to Kayle. She laughed loudly. "Ouch."

"No more drinks for you!" She slid coffee, and Advil in front of me. I took them and drank the coffee in one sip, then grabbed the water bottle that appeared and gulped that down as well.

"Why am I here?" I asked the two of them.

"Well apparently you wanted to go for a walk and ended up here." Kayle answered with a laugh.

"Then your mom said not to let you back home till you're completely sober." Wyatt said pushing a place of eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of me.

"Your clothes are in the dryer they should be done in a few minutes." Kayle said as I started eating. " can't."

"I know." I said with a mouth half full.

"Carson." She said.

"I know Kayle." I blankly stared at the counter before finishing my food.

"Go shower, we'll take you home." Wyatt said standing to put his plate in the sink.

"I'll walk back." I got up and did the same then went and grabbed my clothes before heading to shower. I let the warm water just run over me. I can't believe the last few days are just blank. There was a small knock on the door, that I didn't lock, and it opened right after.



"Yea...can we talk about last night?"

"Uh, I'm naked in the shower, and don't remember anything at all from last night, let alone the last few days. So, whatever I did or said, I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry?" I heard a slight laugh.


"What did I do Lainey?"


"Lainey come on."

"You told me you loved me and stuff. It's stupid."

"Jesus. I'm sorry. Lainey, we talked about this a few years ago. You're like my little sister."

"Casey it's fine, I might see age as just a number and whatever but. It's fine I get it." She walked out and slammed the door before I could say anything else. Totally can't wait to hear whatever the fuck else happened.

Back downstairs Wyatt was playing video games and Kayle was nowhere to be found.

"What the fuck happened last night man? Your sister..." I shook my head realizing things I shouldn't say.

"I found her in bed with you at like four in the morning. I know. Before that you just showed up drunk and we threw you in a bed. You stripped at some point. So, you know nothing crazy. You feeling hung over still?" I looked over at him and he just laughed.

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