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"I think all writing is a disease. You can't stop it" - William Carlos

Welcome Writers❤

If you are willing to became the judge for this contest then you should follow some rules before heading to the registration process.

Rule 1) A permanent follow to The Ocean Pearl Awards i.e., ocean_pearl_awards

Rule 2) Add this book to their public reading list.

Rule 3) Do not send private message to the participants or do not take any sort of bribe from the participants.

Rule 4) The judges cannot enter their stories for the participation.

Rule 5) The judges can register for two different genres.

Rule 6) The judges must be truthful and follow all the judging criteria provided by the The Ocean Pearl Awards.

Rule 7) The judges should be able to read mature and LGBTQ content for judging.

Rule 7) The password for the judges is " your favourite fruit "

Thanking you,
The Ocean Pearl Awards

THE OCEAN PEARL AWARDS (EDITION 1)Where stories live. Discover now