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Welcome Lovely Writers

We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Today, we are officially closed with the entries of the participants in the special category contest too.

The names of the participants with their books and judges are already mentioned previously.

We will be having 3 winners from each genre expect Chicklit, Sci-Fi and Paranormal/Horror because of the less number of participants in these genre.

In Chicklit, Sci-Fi and Paranormal/Horror genre, we will be having 2 winners each  i.e., first and second position only.

In the special category contest, we will be having 1 winner from each category so, in total there will be 4 winners from special category contest.

So, in total we will be having 33 + 4 = 37 winners from all the Genres and special category contest.

The next question arises in our mind is the results. The results will be announced in the coming week i.e., from 17th May 2020 onwards.

The last thing we wanna say that guys please strictly follow the rules otherwise, we will make sure to deduct the marks personally from the score card. You will be solely responsible for your own scores.

Thanking you,
The Ocean Pearl Awards.

THE OCEAN PEARL AWARDS (EDITION 1)Where stories live. Discover now