Chapter 19

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Im on a writer's block right now....urgh.

Sorry I haven't been updating, a lot has come up, and I just got stuck in the book, but if you all want to know, my days has been sucky.

But there was something that happy funny today, because, It was my friends birthday, and they smashed cake in his face,and I thought it was a fight because I heard "OHHHH" I ran my butt over there, then saw him and was like, DANG IT. Thought there was a fight! Lol, Anywayy..I'll get on with the story.

Hope you like it, dont forget to vote my loves.


"Gawd, can we stop now. I'm sweating, I stink, and my legs hurt." Alice whined.

I silently agreed with her while Jacob replied by saying "Ali, were all hot and sweaty, your not the only one. Your whining isn't going to make it any better."

"I didn't say it would make it better, I'm stating a fact, and a desire douche bag." she retorted back.

"Whatever." Jacob answered.

I shook my head smiling. They've been fighting since we left the beach, first about how they wanted to stay, then about what to eat before leaving, and now this. We've been walking over a half hour now, waiting in till we found a small hotel. Apparently someone told DJ that there was a hotel not to far from here, they obviously lied, because it's been a half hour and we've still yet to have seen it.

"Maybe it's hidden?" Zayden asked aloud, after a few minutes of silence.

"It probably is, I'm pretty sure were not to far from it now." DJ said.

We walked along the dusty road, looking left and right, waiting to see some kind of building or sign to show us where the Hotel was.

"Hey, maybe that's it!" Jacob asked, pointing ahead.

I squinted my eyes, and saw a small building up ahead. My face instantly brightened. Finally! 

We walked in till we stood right in front of the building.

Brightenius Inn

It was a beautiful wine red building, with a black roof. The windows were long, shiny rectangles, with a small diamond roof settling above each one. I smiled, and walked right inside, while everyone else shuffled along. My smile brightened even more, and I hurried to sit right on the couch not caring that I was dirty and sweaty. The cool air I was receiving was magnificent. I glanced over to the side, and watched as Zayden booked us a room. Alice sat down beside me, slumped down on the chair, and mumbled out "This is the best air condition I have ever felt. I'm never leaving."

I laughed, and turned my head back around just to catch Zayden mouthing to me lets go.

"Come on Alice, our room is ready." I said glancing at her, as I stood up.

I walked over to Zay, and the boys, while Alice followed behind me, and we all walked silently,  and restlessly over to the elevator.

"I call for the first shower." DJ said aloud, as I pressed the up button of the elevator.

"I call for the second." Zayden and I both said at the same time. 

I glanced over at him, and he said "You can take it before me, it's okay."

I smiled in thanks when Jacob voiced out "Or you two can take a shower together."

I looked over at him, and glared, and he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

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