Chapter 22

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"I am happy to say that Ms.Gomez is now completely healthy, and ready to be released. Here are the antibiotics I want her to take for the next three days so that her fever doesn't come back." the doctor hands Zayden a white small bottle "she might get random headaches a few times. If this happens have her rest for a little, and drink some water, and she should be alright."

I glance over at Zayden catching a small smile grace his handsome face "Thank you. I appreciate all you have done for the past week." though he was slightly pale, and had bags under his eyes, he looked completely and utterly beautiful. I fail to see how he does it.

"Thank you sir, have a great day." the doctor then turns to me "Get better hun. You've been a great patient."

"Thank you for taking care of me." I said lowly leaning farther into the chair I was currently sitting on.

He nodded his head, and walked out the door carrying his clipboard. I looked around the room I stayed in for the past weeks. My eyes ran over the teal, and white walls, then over to the bed that was now empty, and slightly messy from where I was once lying down. On the table beside it held a tray with the little food I left behind from a few hours ago, and a small white bear. I remember receiving the bear from the doctor, that's just how much he fell in love with me. "I feel as if I've known you for years. God really does do things for a reason. I lost a daughter, yet received another." that's what he said. He had lost his daughter to an accidental car accident. I felt honored to be called his daughter, and sorry for him. I sighed knowing I'd miss him. At least I had the bear to remind me of him.

"You okay?"

I looked up to see Zayden now standing in front of me, and examined his features as he starred down at me with worry. I couldn't help but notice how my heart beat was now beating at a faster pace. How my eyes lightened up maybe a little more at the fact that he was worried, and how better he looked up close.

I sighed sitting up a little straighter in my chair "I'm fine. Just thinking."

He squatted down making himself eye level with me, and searched my face "Thinking about what?"

"How kind some doctors are, and how I think i'd like to become one in the future.. to help others."

"A doctor huh?" he smiled "Doctor I can see that happening."

"Really?" I whispered glancing down at his lips.


We stayed like that for a few minutes, just examining each others features. His lips looked suddenly more pink, and inviting. His tongue darted out to take away the dryness he must have felt on his bottom lip, and I watched as he did so. Man when did his lips get so smooth looking? I realized at that moment I hadn't kissed Zayden in a week or more. It was quite unnerving, since I was suffering from nokissoritis. I slightly smiled at my made up word watching his eyes dart to my lips, and back to my eyes intill the door was busted open by three people entering in. I glanced reluctantly away from Zayden to the three who ruined the moment.

"Hey! Glad to see your feeling better." Alice yelled out.

"She seems to be feeling way more then better." Jacob smirked looking between me and Zayden.

Zayden stood up crossing his arms "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to see how Andrea was doing obviously." DJ commented.

Zayden glared at him then walked away and started grabbing my things. I rolled my eyes at there bickering. Seems nothing has changed between them two since I've been out. Alice walked over to me giving me a tight hug.

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