Chapter 12

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I woke up to feeling drousy, and slightly in pain. I opened my eyes blinking a few times to get adjusted to the lighting in the tent. I yawned about to stretch, but only to realize my hands were tied up, and not only that, but my hands were on Zayden's bare chest, and my head perched in the crook of his neck. His hands were holding loosely around my waist where I noticed my shirt was rising up, showing my bare skin. His fingers were moving unconsciously on the bare skin giving me chills from the continuous gesture. I didn't want to move even though I knew I had to no matter how comfortable I was. It didn't matter that this felt so natural, so perfect, and intament all at the same time. It didn't mater that this boy next to me captivated me more then any other guy. It also didn;t matter that I was overly attracted to him, and always felt a rush when he was near. What matter was that this boy next to me, wasn't who he presented himself to be. He was a fake, a liar, and far to rude for my own good, but even as those thoughts came to my head as to why I shouldn't bask in this moment, I felt my body unconsiously deciding what I was going to do. I wanted to move closer to the freak, and I knew my body was deciding things on there own not including my brain at all. I looked up to Jaden's face to see him sleeping soundly. I slowly, and cautiously moved closer to his body, but froze when I felt him tightening his grip on my waist. I took a deep breath of invuluntarily satisfaction and looked down at his chest. 

He had a libidinous six-pack and  he was nicely tanned. I found myself wanting to draw my hand up and down his chest since it looked so smooth and soft. He shifted slightly against my body drawing himself closer to me, and I could smell his masculine earthly fresh odor. I ran my finger along his jaw bone feeling the firmness of it, then stopped retracting my hand shaking my head. I examined his face, and he looked so at peace, and innocent, like an angle. It's so funny how people can look so decieeving in there sleep to how they actually are when awake. I held my hand under my leg so I wouldn't have the nerve to do what I actually wanted to do this whole time. I close my eyes wanting to just stay in this peacefulness a few minutes more, but end up falling asleep again. The only reason I was awoken the next time was because of Zayden's clicking of the tongue. I opened my eyes slowly yawning only to set me eyes upon his face. My eyes traveled down his body noticing his arm still wrapped around me, aceept this time his hand was perched on my butt. I jumped away from him in surprise and glared at him.

"Why the heck is your hand placed on my butt?"

"Sorry, it was an accident. I didn't know it would land there." he shrugged smirking.

"How did you get next to me in the first place?" 

"Well for one, were tied together, it's kinda hard not to be next to you, and for two, I'm an crazy sleeper. My body seems to attatch to things when in resting." He chuckles.

"Its not funny. I don't want your body all up on me."

"Seems to me you were just fine where you were? Besides, you seemed very enticed by my chest by the way your hand was running up and down it." He said smirking.

I looked at him gasping mumbling "I don't know what your talking about." and quickly walked out the tent.

I heard him laughing in the background, and he poked his head out saying "You want to get dressed in the tent or outside?"

"I'll get dress in the tent." I  say walking back into the tent without touching or looking at him. When he was completely out, I zipped up the tent and remembered I forgot to bring clothes. I groaned walking back out the tent not thinking about at all how he to was gettin dressed " I forgot my clo-" 

I starred at the sight in front of me, and started to laugh out loudly. In front of me was Zayden shirtless trying to put on his pants when he was face first on the ground.

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