Chapter 2

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I woke up today feeling determined. It's been a month since I was assigned the assignment, and today was the day I had to find Andrea. She was turning eighteen this week, and I had to get her the day of. I put on a set of sweats, and a baggy t-shirt. I was going to the gym to workout before I set off. As I was about to walk out the door, it thrust open almost hitting me in the face as well before I caught it. I closed my eyes slowly breathing out before opening them to present a joyful, high cheeked smiling being at my door. Before I could recognize who it was I hear "Zee! I heard you got the assignment on Andrea man! Do you know what this means? This..this means respect! This means more girls, more food, more sex! You got it good!" 

That's when I realize it was my good friend John. He hits me on the back indicating just how good of job it was. I send him a dark look before smiling and shrug "This means, i'll be of higher rank, and I'll be able to stop you from always barging in my room. Now walk with me to the gym." 

I grab a towel as John chuckles and we start walking towards the gym.

"Not just a high rank dude, you also will get respect from Xavier. Especially with Andrea, she will..just know she'll help you out in that area." John mumbles smiling wide with glee.

I peer at him from the corner of my eye shaking my head "Man your crazy, The day Xavier respects me, is the day I get beaten to a pulp..besides I don't know why everyone is being so crazy about this Andrea girl, shes just a girl, and If I say so myself that's my biggest specialty." I say nodding my head smiling confidently.

John looked at me with disbelief "Did you really just say she is just a girl? Dude! Shes the girl, you obviously havn't been tuned into what Marissa has been saying. Actually, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, especially with Marissa talking about the girl 24/7, and you bang her every now and then. Plus there's a book." he finished eyeing me questionably.

"Well, why listen to her talk when I can listen to her scream my name all night? She talks to much as it is. Besides, Andrea is exactly what I said, just a girl. No difference to me, I can get any girl I want. Besides why are you so happy about this?"

"Because the girls will realize your full with Andrea and come to me." He smirks rubbing his hands together.

I let out an laugh as we hit the door of the gym and I go straight to where I usually start off, the body building equipment. I watch as John uses the bar for pull-ups.

John looks at me continuing with the conversation "but Zee, listen man, Andrea, when she turns eighteen she-"

I'm not able to hear the rest of what John had to say because I turn quickly towards the intruder who splattered water all over the back of my head breathing out slowly as it traveled down my back. Did I mention it was ice water?

"Oops sorry. Maybe if you were more focused on trying to work on how to win in a fight against me, then talking about a mission we all know you will fail. My water wouldn't have led towards nonsense." Xavier said while laughing beside me on my right. 

I stood with jerky movements stepping a little closer towards Xavier, I lash out lowly, my voice dropping to an deadly tone "Splash water on me again, and we will see just how good you are in a fight against me. We all know here I beat you once, I don't think you want to embarrass yourself again chomp. Get over it you immature little boy."

Xavier stepped closer to me where we stood now face to face "You cheated, I had you pinned and you made a distraction for the Professors, I was already winning." He growled in my face. 

I clasped and unclasped my fist in anger "You pinned me and I was already beginning to get out of your grip about to knock you out cold. How would I make a distraction when I'm focused on fighting you, you got one of your stupid no brain having buddy's to help you, because you already knew who exactly was winning. Give it up and admit I won." I finished eyeing him in disgust.

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