Chapter VI

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Chapter VI


My tears will not stop from falling. Galen loved Lorna so much. He loved her more than anything else.

I hate seeing thisㅡI hate seeing him beg for the one he loved. I hate this feeling!

"I know you can resurrect Lorna. You are a deity, the Supreme Deity. You have the power to help Lorna." He begged.

"Do you know what it means to resurrect a human, Galen?" The light asked him.

"I will do everything," Galen answered the light, "I will sacrifice my wingsㅡfor Lorna." He knelt down and lowered his head.

Why would you do that, Galen? Why would you sacrifice your wings for a girl? He is stupid for doing that. I wiped my tears on my cheeks. I want to come to him but I do not know how to do that anymore.

"Wings are specials gifts from God. I know that you are aware of what I am trying to say."

"I am prepared for what will happen to me. I just want her to live peacefully. I want her to be happy... even without me."

"Then, we have a deal." The light disappeared and Galen stayed still. He is still kneeling down with his head, still lowered.

"Galen!" I called him and he did not look at my direction. My eyes widened when I saw his reaction. It is like something was painful. "Galen! Galen!"

I called him once and he did not answer me. He stayed still. He clenched his fists and lowered his head even more. What is happening?

"Galen!" I ran towards him and before I could reach him, his wings lightened and it suddenly faded like a bubble. He looked at my direction and my heart broke when I saw how his lips formed a smile while tears are rushing down his cheeks. I cried.

I woke up with a heavy feeling. The ceiling of my room welcomed me and which means I just really came back to the real world. What a sad dream, I told myself. I rose from my bed and looked at the mirror. My eyes are swollen. I cannot believe that I literally cried.

I cannot forget how Galen begged and cried for a girl, for Lorna, for my ancestor. He really loved her. He did everything for her. He sacrificed his wings and he accepted the curse for sacrificing his wings. It really hurts to see how those tears fell for a girl. Thinking that he was so smitten with a girl before hurts me.

You are sad again, Hina. Do you want me to buy you an ice cream? Samuel would say. I shook my head and tried to refresh my mind.

I parted the curtain and opened the window of my room. The sun is already rising from its sleep. I remember I was planning to go to the museum to save Galenㅡeven though I do not know how to do it.

I want to save him but after seeing my dream last night, I am afraid to come and see him again.

He was just a stranger to me but he helped me to move forward. He healed me. Hina, it is still clear to my mind how soft his voice was when he called me. I felt so happy. I touched my chest to feel the beat of my heart. Whenever I am thinking about Galen and whenever he is around, my heart could not stop from beating like it is going crazy. Honestly, I have never felt this before.

It does not mean that I fell in love with Galenㅡno, never. I do not even know what love is. I do not know how to love in a special way.


I tied my hair and walked towards the door but the sudden pain on my back stopped me. What was that?

"Hina, are you there?" Mom called me behind the door. The pain suddenly disappeared, I feel relieved.

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