Chapter 13

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     Hours passed by unnoticed as Pilo searched the spirit realm for Demini. He sat in silence with Yasmina, in the basement of the High Priestess' mansion, miles away in his mind. Fighting with his anxiety, at times it was difficult to stay connected with his tandem animal. Worry pulled at his thoughts, trying to bring his fears into focus. He couldn't think about the worst case scenario; he had to just focus on searching. Not having any luck finding his love gave strength to the thoughts of what danger she could be in. Taking a moment, he rested, and tried to gather his himself.

     Therion developed a plan against his better judgement. Self-preservation became more of a goal than his position of power. He developed an opinion on family bond which made him second guess all of his actions until now. All of his decisions were made on the assumption he was all alone. It had been a while since he had any feelings toward family. One floor below him was his offspring, his daughter; she was the product of a love, once all consuming. His wife and daughter used to mean the world to him. Now, they were just a memory, but emotions were beginning to return. A small flame was placed under his cold heart, and the pain of the past began to melt away. Before he could act on any of his rash decisions, he was called into the High Priestess' chambers.

     Sitting in the dark, the High Priestess ran through various scenarios with the knowledge she had been giving. In meditation see sought out her enemies, and pulled what information she could from the whispers in the winds. It had been a while since she had reacquainted herself with her purpose. She tapped into the dark force she harnessed, and used it for all of its worth. Apathy slipped away from her demeanor at the uprisal of threats. In her opinion, none of her challengers were a worthy successor, and she'd be even more damned if she let them take her mantle without a fight. Connected to the energy waves flowing throughout the lands, she felt the approaching dark forces coming to do her harm. Sending out a shockwave throughout the mansion, one very familiar to those living inside, she let Therion know she needed to talk with him.

     "Yes, your Highness," Therion address her as he entered the room.

     "Gather Pilo and Yasmina. Meet me in the study. We have company."

     "What about the boy?"

     "I couldn't care less about what happens to him."

     Knowing this type of request didn't happen often, Therion knew something serious was about to go down. Without question, he left the High Priestess' chambers and made his way to the basement. While descending down the stairs he began calling out Pilo's name. The commotion broke Pilo's concentration, and brought him back into the worldly realm. Irritated, Pilo stood up and approached Therion as he unlocked the cell Yasmina was being held in.

     "What is your problem," said Pilo. "Do you know how long I've been working on getting to where I was? You caused me to lose my place...I don't even know where to begin again."

     "Listen mosquito, I wouldn't be calling for you if it wasn't needed. The Priestess wants us all to gather in the study. The study is in the middle of the mansion, and the best fortified. That means there is a threat coming we have to prepare for. If she hadn't asked for you, I'd have left you down here to rot for all I care."

     "What kind of threat," Pilo asked.

     "I haven't gotten that far. I'm here to retrieve you two. The quicker we all convene together, the quicker we all find out what's about to happen...Not going to lie...I'm a little excited. It's been boring around here. I hope there's a fight on its way."

     "So, the Light Witch is making a move. I told her it wasn't the Priestess," said Pilo as he followed Therion and Yasmina up the stairs. "Maybe it's Ladieta, but she wouldn't be that stupid, would she?"

Worst Curse: A Ghostwalkers Journey, Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now