|chapter 5|

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Spencer ||

After that period I was utterly confused. Luke was so mean, I did absolutely nothing to anger him in anyway. There must be a reason as of why Luke was this way. I believe there is always a reason for our actions. Wether it be something big or something so tiny not even a microscope could see it. And I think that is what infatuated me when it came to Luke. I want to break down the walls, the very sturdy walls, Luke has probably been building up for years and years.

The day went on and I couldn't get my mind off of Luke. It shouldn't be this way but i can't help it. I thought about the same things until the day came to a close.

I walked to my locker to put my stuff away.

Shit. I totally forgot about the sonnet. Luke and I were originally planned to work on it after school but I highly doubt that will happen anymore.

I decided to go to the schools library to work on some of it. It seemed more quiet and peaceful then at home with my mom and 11 year old brother. I quickly texted my mom and made my way over to the library.

I had no idea what Luke wanted our sonnet to be on, so based on my mood I decided love.

Yes, I know very cheesy, but also very easy.

My heart would skip a beat with you in sight,
I'd hold my breath until you walked by.
Even past your darkest colors, you would bring the finest light,
If only you could look me in the eye.

I spend most of my days thinking of you
My emotions rearranged and highly ranked.
I -

I was cut off by the slightest tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see the last person I expected.


"Hey" he said "sorry about earlier today, I was just upset on how ignorant people can be."

"Oh yeah..it's ok I get it, I felt the same way. I'm sorry I should of told you sooner it was my fault and I -" I began to ramble.

"I don't usually apologize to people so just except mine will you." He smiled.

That's the first time I've ever seen Luke smile. And I thought he couldn't get anymore beautiful.

"Ok, I accept." I shyly smile back.

"So what do we have so far?" He asks and sits right next to me so our knees are touching.

"We? If I am not mistaken, you were gone for all of this." I say jokingly.

"It's not my fault somebody didn't tell me where they were. I was looking everywhere and I had to ask that colorful kid Michael." He giggled.

Luke Hemmings giggled. What is happening.

I laughed along with him until I realized something very important..

"You looked everywhere for me?" I say and look up into his beautiful eyes.

"Well yeah. But don't expect this all the time. It's a one time thing." He says and look down, kinda saddened by his words.

"So what did YOU write?"

"Oh it's nothing really, it's kinda bad you don't have to read it." I say while reaching over him to get my feelings basically written on a paper.

I was almost successful on getting it until Luke held it up in the air.

"Luke." I said sternly, "give me it."

He just smiled and began to read it. And I gave up because I knew I couldn't get it back without getting on top of him and I was not going to do that.

So instead I just sat with my head held in my hands and waited until he was done.

"Oh my god, Spencer, this is so good. Since when were you a poet?" He smiled.

"I don't consider my self anything. It's not that great."

"Well I think it is and we are sticking with it." He said.

"Fine. Do you know another line? We can just finish this stanza and then work on it more tomorrow." I said

"Ok what about,
I think to myself if this is true,
And if my world is about to be changed."
He says.

And once again I am speechless.

We stare at each other for what seems like forever. I think to myself if he was thinking of me while he said those words like I was thinking of him. I wondered if he thinks the same way I do. And I am captivated by him, staring into eyes getting lost. I am so lost and I believe he is too. And before I knew it we were both leaning in. Knees touching more then ever before, eyes shifting from lips back to eyes and fingers fidgeting. Our noses were inches from each other, when Luke suddenly pulled away.

"Well I guess we are done here. Goodbye Spencer." And with that Luke was gone.

Leaving me by myself with my racing thoughts and quivering lips.

hey guys! Double update!
Hope you are all enjoying, this keeps getting reads and I get so excited even if it's two reads it's still so exciting!
You can follow me on Twitter and tell me if you are reading

Thank you!
Oh and ps who should Spencer be?!

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