|Chapter 17|

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Spencer ||

"It depends, is it going to be some weird I'm going to stalk you question?" Luke sat up with that famous smirk on his face.

I really do not understand this boy. One moment he hates me then the next he is making jokes and smirking at me once again.

"Luke." I cross my arms over my chest still utterly mad at him, but I can't help for being thankful for what he did back at the party making me try my best to hide a smile.

"Okay," Luke stood up and turned on a lamp that was sat on his bedside table, "ask away." He said as he climbed up on the bed sitting on the end.

I didn't know where to start, with Luke's weird mood swings I didn't know what question would trigger what.

"Why did you do that? Like back at the party, why did you help me?" I slowly asked, making sure my words came out correctly.

"Well why wouldn't I?" He comments back.

"If I do remember correctly, you completely ignored me for almost 2 weeks after going off at me for what happened." I start off, "then anytime we ever made eye contact you would just glare at me or treat me like I was nothing."

I finished off my explanation leaving Luke staring at me with a blank face.

"Well?" I asked annoyed.

"I mean I wasn't going to let some drunk prick make you have sex with him." He says like it's obvious.

"But why?"

"I don't know Spencer! Maybe because I saw it happening and I would feel guilty for the rest of my life if I didn't stop it." Luke angrily responded.

"Oh, I guess-" but I was cut off by my own thoughts forming another important question.

"Why were you up there in the first place?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Luke looks to his fidgeting fingers.

"When I went up there, no one was there other than the people hooking up in some of the rooms or people throwing up in the bathroom, but why were you there?"

"I don't know." Luke stuttered.

"Luke." I said sternly for what seemed like the hundredth time this night alone.

"I followed you up there.." He drifted off into a mumble.

I was so confused. This whole week Luke has been ignoring me as well as giving me glares every chance he could.

"What do you mean you followed me?"

"I saw you going up the stairs alone, and it didn't seem safe. I didn't want to at first but I couldn't let something bad happen to you. So I waited until you got to the top and then I followed you. Luckily I did because I don't know what I would of done if that prick even touched you anymore." Luke explained.

Luke looked angrier as he finished his story.

"Why would even care? You seemed to not care about any of my feeling these past two weeks."

"Spencer can we not talk about that."

"Why not Luke? Don't I deserve an explanation? You left me, heart broken with no other explanation other than telling me you basically didn't care about me." I said, gaining courage with every word I spoke.

"Spencer, I-" Luke tried to find words for my sudden outburst. "I thought you were only going to ask me one question."

"You know what Luke, you're right." I say annoyingly as I lie down and turn off the lamp, "whatever, goodnight."

I shut my eyes absolutely annoyed of how ignorant and childish about this whole matter. I couldn't believe the way he was acting towards this. Does he really think he can do this to me?

I was brought out of my thoughts when the bed underneath me started to shift. I turned onto my back to be faced with Luke hovering over me.

"Luke what are you-"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I don't want you to go to bed mad." Luke said.

"It's fine, Luke. I'm not mad, goodnight." I go to turn over but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Wanna hear a knock knock joke? Those always make things better." Luke says looking as serious as possible.

"I really don't understand you." I whisper not meaning to actually say it out loud.

Once again I am stuck, I am in stuck in those crystal blues that I first noticed on Luke. And he is staring right back into my brown eyes. Luke is still hovering over me and we are just staring, not one word be spoken, just eye contact. It wasn't awkward nor were his eyes filled with anger like once before but instead filled with compassion.

Luke began to lower himself onto me. His body against mine and his nose inches away from mine. Both of our breaths mixing together as we got closer.

"Maybe we should go to bed." I say with his lips almost on top of mine.

"Right, yeah you're right." He stutters and slowly climbs off of me and begins to get off the bed.

"Wait," I grab his arm, "you can stay on the if you'd like, I mean it is yours." I offer him a small smile since I just rejected him a few seconds ago.

"Oh ok." He says lying next to me pulling the covers over us both.

We both turn over to our sides facing each other, once again staring at each other.

"Goodnight" he says offering me a smile.

I say my goodnight as well and shut my eyes to drift off into a much needed sleep with Luke on my mind and in my dreams.


Thank you once again with all of your patience and reads! Over the week I was gone I got to 500 reads which was my goal so THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH ITS CRAZY TO THINK. It really motivates me to keep writing when I continuously get reads or when I get comments or votes, it shows me people are actually liking my story which that's all I hope for! I love you all and remember to leave any comments or remarks bc I love to read them!

I'll be updating tomorrow as well so see you then! Xx

Twitter: @MEATLOAFMUKE if you want to talk ever.

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